NO DIVORCE OF ZAIN ALIYA ! ZAIN ALIYA KA DIVORCE NHI HOGA !!! we hav typed this in bold letters now for almost the tenth time in our status !!! yes this post is indeed very long to read ! please watch the promo once again ! under muslim marriage law , talaaq is considered only when its said thrice ! in the promo zain says talaaq word only twice n aliya den stops zain from uttering the word for the third time by putting her hand on his mouth ! this clearly indicates that aliya at d last moment wil b able to save her marriage !!! family will come to know dat aliya is just being framed n she has not filed the legal papers of dometic violence charges ! Divorce is not a prepaid mobile scheme/ plan that it wil happen for 28 days n then zain aliya wil get united !!! if divorce happens then zain aliya wont b able to come together . Thus , the divorce wil result in zains track being sidelined ! Zain and aliya n usmaan r d main reasons why viewers r glued to this show !!! creatives hav already seen a drop in trps of beintehaa from 3.8 to 2.0 ! They know if the sideline any of the main characters den how d show wil suffer in future ! The moment when zain wil ask aliya for divorce wil b pictured in a different manner n not as shown in d promo ! we had posted earlier also that there r many events/ reasons due to which divorce wont happen !... zain n family might come to know that aliya was framed .. on time ! zain said talaaq just twice n not thrice ! zain n aliya had clearly mentioned dat after suraiya ... zaya will hav a track wid rehaan ( after suraiya) ! rehaans character is not a cameo dont ask d date of his exit also now ! rehaans character is negative or positive .. we shall wait n watch ! last but not d least aliyas pregnancy track ! though we admins feel that aliya wont b shown pregnant so soon .. (for a long time to come ). producer clearly said that zaya wont get separated for a long time to come .. so no separation of zaya for few months more ! n when d creatives * long time* will end n aliya wil get separated from zain .. then obviously she wont b having a baby at d time of separation ! ( note: this doesnt mean that you all wil start panicking on hearing abt zayas separation in coming months :p ! there is nothing planned as of now by creatives so dont jump to d conclusions). Furthermore , preetika wud like to portray her age n not bcum a mom onscreen so soon ! beintehaa is a saas bahu saga but wid difference ! You should not forget that the show is more about suraiyas revenge from aliya than zain aliya story :p ! if zaya get separated so early den suraiya ka kya hoga ? ;) suraiyas conspiracies wont b able to separate zaya ! Some fans r demanding lovely dovey track of zaya !!! guys you should not forget that its a saas bahu saga ! n secondly with marriage ... comes maturity in relationship ! creatives need some storyline to run d show !!! we hav almost answered around 70 messages /comments of fans regarding divorce track but stil same question comes up everyday !!! Creatives r not realizing that by killing usmaan.. they r killing d positivity of d show ! lets c wat creatives hav in store for us ! creatives dont realize that usmaans character is not needed to protect zayas relationship but to add some positivity to d show ! this show is really missing positive characters ! family is filled with negative characters n plus cameos n outsiders ! fans say that zain wil realize in aliyas absence that aliya is not wrong ? cummon guys ... he is not a yogi that he wil meditate n den feel sorry for what he has done ! he might need evidences / witnesses to believe that aliya is not wrong as aliyas signatures r dere on d papers ! its the signatures that has shaken him from inside !!! he has faith in aliya but he cannot ignore the signatures also ! when he wil believe aliya then suraiya wil instigate him ! he wil get stuck up between mom n wife ! aliya n her family also doesnt kno how n wat exactly things happened ... so it will b a bit difficult to convince the abdullah family regarding aliyas innocence ! creative team of every show not only gets inputs from production house / directors n actors but also channel ! so lets just wait n watch Last but not the least .. if divorce happens .. do you guys think that fans will leave creatives ? already they must hav seen d response of fans for usmaans death track ... so divorce track will increase their problems n put d show s trps in danger ! they cannot afford to disappoint fans now espcly when reliance has taken over colors channel . Now please dont repeat the same question over n over again ! anyone / any page which says divorce wil happen.. unlike it ! simple !!! Thankyou ! -deepika
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 10:15:07 +0000

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