NO I will not train like the others because I am NOT like the - TopicsExpress


NO I will not train like the others because I am NOT like the others and my results are a lot different than those trying the tactics of other groups. I have been continuously asked a handful of questions about what I do to get results. This is absolutely fine and I give the best advice that I can. If you are in this particular group I want you to know one thing real fast, IF YOU MAKE MONEY, THIS WILL REFLECT IN SOME FORM OR FASHION TO THE AMOUNT OF INCOME I MAKE. No matter who placed you here or who you signed up with, due to the 4x6 everyone is somewhere in my line. The question I have for you right now is, to what benefit is it to me to teach you or to give you tools that DO NOT WORK? That isnt a good idea for me personally would you imagine? no, it for sure wouldnt be good for me if you were to spin your wheels here in Four Corners. The point to this post is, it doesnt matter that I have had a networking list of people because quite frankly, I havent even touched this list yet and still sent 97 spillover members. I was blessed with that ability and a lot of you have or will benefit from that skillset. You dont have to believe me but it happens to be true that with a little bit of creativity and the skill of IGNORING people that want thousands of dollars worth of answers for a lousy $18 one time price I have made all that we are doing possible. I tell you how easy it is and not to waste your time on people hesitant about taking a WIN for once because that is how it should be. I didnt put an auto responder behind the splash pages on the team site for one very basic reason, if they say no to that $18 what is the use of having them put on a list to later email them exactly? Personally I do not want to work with people who do not say yes and are ready to roll with it win or lose. $18 can be found between the seats of your car or the couch cushions so it isnt that big a deal and for me to want to have to email people 1000 times wasting time and energy basically begging people or trying to convince them I have to pass on that and that is what I suggest to the whole team when they get confronted with a barrage of questions as most of the time you will find that 45 minutes later they still dont join and you have lost 45 minutes of your life. Four Corners is an ANIMAL in the industry and I am just now bringing this to some leaders that will make a big difference and make this popular to others. Do not be the one who took this lightly nor the one that wastes too much time with people and training that arent going to work. KEEP IT SIMPLE, IT IS ONLY $18 AND IF YOU DO, YOUR RESULTS WILL BE SIMILAR IF NOT BETTER THAN MINE BECAUSE THAT IS EXACTLY MY FORMULA, ASK ANYONE THAT I DIRECTLY SIGNED UP AND THEY WILL TELL YOU I DIDNT WASTE TIME EXPLAINING AND I ALSO GAVE THEM THE SAME EXACT WAY TO PROMOTE THIS. Congratulations to all the new members and the Leaders that blessed them to be here!
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 23:11:33 +0000

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