NO INSULT TO ANYONE, LET SEE THIS FROM EXPERIENCE AND CONTEST. I FIND IT VERY HARD TO DO BUSINESS WITH SOME OF THOSE PEOPLE PERIOD BY GIGI. 1) THE HAITIANS They will talk you out of everything and show you many sign of superiority but never follow trough, Big dreams small actions. And they are idea Thief, they will take your own idea and use it for them. They will go behind your back to get all your connections, contacts and businesses and gossip about you on their behalf. VERY SUPERSTITIOUS IN BUSINESS AND Great Great back stabbers in business. ALWAYS LATE 2) THE AFRICAN.....OH The African will kills times over and over again to have everything under control Pretend Make you believe on big money,huge money, big project, big plans no base no foundations and constantly will remind you of him , how important he is back home . They will tell you the sky is red and you will convince on it.. . . THEY NEVER TAKE DECISION RIGHT AWAY. THEY WILL TELL YOU, THEY HAVE TO CONTACT AN OLDER BROTHER about it of his own money.. Many will get involved without any solution of no business, Long talk, long exhausted meeting , lot of promising . Little action. You not only doing business with him. You also doing business with his fake sister , his fake brother, Some fake important man too, Everything take so long to operate. Then .......blank! ALWAYS LATE 3) THE CHINESE.. Not big talker, they are very Productive, They Have one price , No discount, live it or take it. They dont convince you and never try because they know you will only get their shit all over the world as long you are on earth. Then everything will be Fakes , except their words.. Even the money exchange can turn out to be fake. ON TIME 4) THE ARAB ARE clear and specific, They always have the money ready , the deal cover for you But must also talk to a cousin before involved, They have always an intellectual in the family that take decision. They are not business naive, you can not convict them. They will pay but of they own price. They dont believe in meeting long talk and nonsense. On word, Always Late because of prayer 5) THE JEW always looking for discount and sketchy business. They are friend of all no racism, discriminations, hatred as long there is money to make period Always late, NO BUSINESS ON FRIDAY, BUT IN THE LOW AS LONG THERE IS MONEY , THEY IN BETWEEN THE HAITIAN AND THE AFRICAN BUSINESS CAN BE A HUGE JOKE AND WAIST OR TIME AND ENERGY.. WELL I GUESS THE DRUNK SAME WATER CALL MOTHERLAND PURIFY WATER .. HMMM BY GIGI
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 22:08:46 +0000

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