NO LENINIST PARTY IS COMMUNIST PARTY -Shah Alam A book, published by the ICWF, @ . ( Continuation from yesterday ) [ 11 ] Undoubtedly, all ideologies, creeds, religions etc,originated from the private property will disappear by the disappearance of capitalist society based on private property. Therefore, the communist society is a scientific society by ending the all such creeds, ideologies etc. thus, science –the code of creation is the practicing principle of the communist society to know the science, to understand the science, to care the science and to practice the science for the scientific development of society thereby, all are scientist in the communist society. Therefore, a communist party is a party to work for a scientific society. Thus, a communist party is a scientific party. So, the practicing principle of the communist party is science but not ideology. Noted, Marx did not produce any such ideology but he discovered the science of communism. But, Leninist parties have been working on the basis of Leninism- an ideology. Mao thought, Ho-Chi Min thought, Hoxa thought, Juche idea of KIM, etc all are ideology. Noted, Manu, Mosses, Confucius etc were the producer of so many ideologies to teach their disciples to build their respective nations to serve the parasitic interest of masters and lords and their beneficiaries. No doubt, followed by them Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Mao, Kim etc no one is free from such claim to produce such nonsense ideologies to teach their disciples as they were marked as great teacher, guide, leader, etc & etc by the declaration, rules and laws of their respective parties and states as like as Mosses, Manu, Confucius etc . Sure, some bosses of the Leninist parties were marked by so many titles as great and extra-ordinary by the national anthem and constitutions of their respective parties and states as Mosses, Manu etc were marked. Therefore, Leninist parties are not for science of communism but working on the basis of ideology. Thus, Leninist parties are not working to end the ideologies to win the scientific society. So, no Leninist party is communist party. [ 12 ] The communist manifesto has described so rightly that: “ Of all the classes that stand face to face with the bourgeoisie today, the proletariat alone is a really revolutionary class. The other classes decay and finally disappear in the face of Modern Industry; the proletariat is its special and essential product. The lower middle class, the small manufacturer, the shopkeeper, the artisan, the peasant, all these fight against the bourgeoisie, to save from extinction their existence as fractions of the middle class. They are therefore not revolutionary, but conservative. Nay more, they are reactionary, for they try to roll back the wheel of history.” Therefore, its very much clear from the above quotation that the peasants are not only conservative but also reactionary; and the working class alone is revolutionary to replace the capitalist society by communism. So, a communist party is not the party of reactionary peasants or any reactionary forces by taking account the above mentioned statement of the communist manifesto about the role of the classes of the capitalist society. Thus, a communist party is only a working class party for a communist revolution to vanish the reactionary classes for communism. But, the Leninist parties are the party of reactionary peasants too, with one of instruments of peasants –the scythe as one of the signs of the symbol of the party. Therefore, Leninist parties are not revolutionary but reactionary party along with such symbol and the political programs of the reactionary peasants by the standard of the communist manifesto. Noted, the fruit of union of a Horse and Ass is nothing but a Mule; Therefore, a Leninist party with combination of reactionary peasants and revolutionary working class is nothing but a so reactionary force to create disturbance and obstacle to the transformation of the capitalist society into communist by their reactionary jobs. Thus, Leninist parties are reactionary party by ignoring and denying the communist manifesto without any explanation or publishing any document by proving wrong the communist manifesto about the role of the classes. So, no Leninist party is communist party. ( Will continue)
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 11:07:12 +0000

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