NO LENINIST PARTY IS COMMUNIST PARTY -Shah Alam A book, published by the ICWF, @ . ( Continuation from yesterday ) [ 20 ] Undoubtedly, state will disappear by the disappearance of classes by the disappearance of private property. As because, state has originated from the private property to protect the interest of private property holders as their strongest and powerful class instrument and weapon to oppress and overpowering the slaves. Records shows that the first Kingdom has founded by the founder of the Pharaoh Dynasty as a state about 3150 BC at Egypt. But, the first state with elected executives was formed at Greece by reducing the hereditary, and life long chief magistracy ( ARCHON) with a historical advancement by c. 1050 BC; by 753 BC this had become a decennial, elected Archonship; and finally by 683BC an annual elected Archonship. Therefore, the history of state is not ever long since the birth of human being. Noted, age of human being is not less than 2oo thousands years but the history of state is not more than 5,500 years. Thus, it’s very simple that there is no reason to remain exist the state without private property as a repressive and oppressive machine of private property holders. Because, there is no utility of state in the classless society. Therefore, a communist party is a party to work for such actions of working class to disappear the state by disappearing the classes by disappearing the capitalist private property. But, Leninist parties are working to construct the new and new states by dividing the old but defunct states by the politics of national liberation along with new democracy with state ownership . Therefore, Leninist parties are not against state. Certainly, they are creating confusion about the function and role of the state including its origin to oppress the others as a powerful but so effective machine to overpowering the ruled classes and contenders of rulers `. Therefore, state is nothing but a powerful oppressive machine for the interest of ruling class thereby, state is never a well-fear organization for all or state is never for all. Thus, the disappearance of state is the condition of freedom of all. But, Leninist parties are not working for a stateless society rather, creating the illusion for a new state for all people with the Leninist party in power. So, no Leninist party is communist party. ( Will continue. Date:03-09-14 )
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 15:18:02 +0000

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