NO LENINIST PARTY IS COMMUNIST PARTY -Shah Alam A book, published by the ICWF, @ . ( Continuation from yesterday ) [ 14 ] Capitalism is the foundation of socialism –the replacement of capitalism by social/commune/ common ownership of means of production. Thus, there is no Great Wall of China between socialism and communism, moreover meaning of both the terms is same. But, Leninist parties has been marking and determining an artificial difference between socialism and communism by claiming that the state capitalism is socialism and such Leninist socialism is the foundation of Leninist communism, which is totally lie, false and bogus. Therefore, Leninist parties are for such lie to create the confusion among the wage slaves of the world to provoke and hypnotized them to create an illusion among the working class to work for a Leninist state as considering such Leninist state as socialism. Noted, if the Leninist version about socialism and communism is right then the number one article of the rules of the communist league, is wrong, what we have mentioned earlier. But, no doubt, not the mentioned article of the rules of communist league but the fabricated Leninist version on socialism and communism is not only wrong but also false. A communist party is a party to work for communism/socialism – a new society by the replacement of old capitalist society but not for any such Leninist state or socialist society between capitalism and communism. But, Leninist parties has been working for such nonsense Leninist socialism –the foundation of so-called communism by such false statement of Leninist politics on such false socialism and bogus communism. Thus, Leninist parties are not working for communism. So, no Leninist party is communist party.
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 11:30:01 +0000

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