NO LONGER STRANGERS TO THE COVENANTS OF PROMISE, DRAWN OUT FROM THE HEATHEN DARKNESS AND BORN AGAIN THROUGH THE ATONING BLOOD OF ISRAELS PROMISED SACRIFICE LAMB, TRUE BELIEVERS ENTER INTO THE CONGREGATION/CHURCH/COMMONWEALTH OF ISRAEL. When heathen gentiles are saved by Israels Messiah He brings them into His eternal covenant. The word Gentile in the Bible means heathen. And so Christians who have experienced the new birth no longer fit the category of Gentiles. Our Apostle Paul speaks of them becoming new creatures in Messiah. 2 Corinthians 5:17 (King James Version) Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. So Christians who have known and experienced the new birth should no longer consider themselves heathen Gentiles. In the blood of Messiah they have entered into the New Covenant. In this blood covenant relationship with Messiah they take on their new national identity. That new citizenship, (and a new passport), is in the Commonwealth of Israel. (Eph.2:12-13) Of course evangelicals steeped in the deep dispensationalism are slow to warm up to this Biblical truth. They say We are different from Israel. We are in The Church. We are the people of Grace living in the Age of Grace. The Jews are the people of The Law. And so shall they ever be. But they have not read and taken to heart the prophet Zechariahs message in Zechariah 12. There is no Biblical foundation for this. Hellenized minds have departed from the Holy Scriptures and in the spirit of religious humanism they have contrived this false dichotomy. Churchmen have no right before God to separate out the Chosen People or throw them forever into two boxes. Nowhere in Holy Scripture do we see the Holy Spirit setting forth a divided Elect or an Apartheid of the Chosen People. This is sad to report. But it seems that the people teaching this escapist eschatology we see in the Pre-Tribulation Rapture scenario are impatient. They want the train to glory to pull out imminently, even right now. They are just not prepared to wait on God or to stand as His witnesses. Nor are they willing to run the race to the end and see the God of Israel do His wonders. And yet YHVH-God has stated clearly and repeatedly that he fully intends and save and restore all Israel. Evangelicals glory in belonging to the Church. But there is nothing inherently sacred about the word Church. It is merely the Greek word Ekklesia. It simply means a called out assembly, company, or congregation, nothing more. So the real issue is simply this. To whom have we as the Congregation been called out?
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 06:41:38 +0000

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