NO MORE LEANNESS!(Principles of life 1) As long as the earth - TopicsExpress


NO MORE LEANNESS!(Principles of life 1) As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease. Genesis 8:22 It will not do us any good if we do not find out why our spirit man is still growing lean even in the midst of abundance of spiritual food and blessings. And I know you will like to find out why God will send leanness in their souls after granting their requests. Answering these questions will help us get out of this lean season of our spiritual growth. First and foremost, it will be worth mentioning that God created and spun the world on some set of principles and laws which never fails regardless! Just look at nature and try to understand why the sun rises in the East and sets in the West every day without fail. Who controls it? Just ask yourself, how come the moon and stars know that it is night so they need to show their splendour and who controls it? The truth is God wrote algorithms (rules) for them from the very beginning and those rules spin them in constant motion. There are rules surrounding your life as a Christian, you knowing them and applying them effectively will make you grow out of your lean season. Back to the topic, have you ever wondered why a wicked man or a pagan keeps prospering and you grow lean in terms of your business, your finances and your growth? There is one principle at work which is As long as the earth endures seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease. Genesis 8:22. So long as the wicked man knows when to plant and when to harvest, he will never go hungry. So long as he knows how to separate his seeds from his fruits, he will never go hungry. Ask yourself why there is leanness in your education, why there is leanness in your marriage, why there is leanness in your business and why there is leanness in your financial growth and I will confidently tell you that you need to know what to sow, when to sow and how to sow. You will never pass that exam if you do not study, you will never be financially sound if you don’t stop spending your money on women, drinking and buying every funeral cloth that is announced. The truth is this; there is a time to sow and a time to harvest. If you use your seeds for food, you will always grow lean because there will be nothing to more to sow for the future. Please, don’t stand knee deep in a river and still die out of thirst. It is still not too late to start sowing. May God open our eyes to see the numerous blessings that He has placed on our way and also help us to separate our seeds from our fruits, and know what to sow, when to sow and when to harvest! God bless you! Please visit facebook/excellentimpactministries for more devotionals and inspiring messages. (Carl Nii Anyetei Sowah, Excellent Impact Ministries;...Turning the World to Christ, a Soul at a Time!)
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 06:03:02 +0000

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