NO NO NO on three bills coming to the floor this week: H.R. 1965, - TopicsExpress


NO NO NO on three bills coming to the floor this week: H.R. 1965, H.R. 2728 and H.R. 1900. These bills are unnecessary, and put wild lands and wildlife at unnecessary risk from drilling and hydraulic fracturing. H.R. 1965 would undermine years of reforms instituted by the Department of Interior to better balance oil and gas drilling and environmental protection on public lands. Mandating leasing and drilling on public lands, and prioritizing oil and gas drilling over every other use, is a clear giveaway to the oil and gas industry at the expense of the millions of Americans that hike, hunt and fish on those lands. H.R. 2728 would threaten communities near lands where hydraulic fracturing is used, by prohibiting federal regulations and following potentially weaker guidelines for things like safety, fracking fluid disclosure and storage of used fracking fluid. H.R. 1900 rolls back critical protections from the Clean Water Act and National Environmental Policy Act, and opens the door to pipelines cutting through neighborhoods and forests alike with little regard for the environment. These bills are unnecessary solutions in search of a problem. Just say NO NO NO! to all 3!!
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 03:20:07 +0000

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