NO ONE EVER KNEW THE ONE GOD OF ABRAHAM ISSAC AND JACOB EXCEPT FOR THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL. SO NON ISRAELITES, ARABS, HINDUS, WHITE NORDIC PEOPLE, GREEKS OR EVEN THE AFRICANS OR ASIANS ALL WORSHIPPED IDOLS IN SOME WAY OR THE OTHER., TILL THEIR DESCENDANTS FIRST HEARD THE WORD OF GOD THROUGH THE APOSTLES AND LATER THROUGH THE EARLY CHURCH SUBMITTED THEMSELVES TO THE TRUTH AND BECAME CHRISTANS. Therefore no Muslim should listen to distorted facts coming from their quran and their Mullahs that they were the first people to know of a Monotheisitc God. The identity of the Monotheistic God was spread through the Early Christians, because even Talmudic Jewswent into error with their Pharisee doctrines added to the Truth, and their refusal to believe in the Salvation of God. Some hard truths that Muslims must face is that Muhammad was a liar, he declared the Muslim religion after he grew up, he was the first muslim trying to rid his Qureish Tribe of Arabian Polytheism which was the worship of numerous Idols each Idol said to be for each day at the Kaaba. The Kaaba was a veneration of the Vulva of Al-uzza, the Hindus would say the Yoni of Al-uzza one of the daughters of Al-ilah, Al-ilah was founded in Moon Worship based on different phases of the moon, Al-uzza was the greator size of the Moon, Al -lat the smaller phase of the Moon, and Al-mannat. Images were built for these female deities. These are also related to Hinduism, and the 7 times circumbulation around the kaaba is practised in India where people perform a Yagna around a fire and Hindu couples also walk around 7 times when they get married. Acts 14:16 16 Who in times past suffered all nations to walk in their own ways. Now what the Apostle Luke says in the Bible is so true, that we/ our families all in times past were allowed to go our own ways, till the fulness of times when Gods Salvation would be revealed through Abraham, Issac,Jacob and the last Holy Word and Son of God, the Last Prophet Yahshua came by the power of the Holy Spirit to reveal how much God loved all His Children, that whoever believed in Gods Salvation would be saved and Resurrected with the same type of Body of Jesus whether dead or alive, we shall all in the twinking of an EYE be changed and given glorious Resurrected bodies like our Jesus Christ whom we believe in, WHEN HE RETURNS. So the One True God first revealed Himself to was Abraham, ISHMAEL was a NOBODY and no promise of Gods Salvation came through him, but through the descendants of ISSAC. All Non Hebrew people including Arabs were all IDOL WORSHIPPERS, an Islam is a fake religion claiming to be Monotheistic, their main focus is on direct access to God which cannot happen, access to God through Muhammad is also impossible because Muhammad himself will be in the Judgment line of sinners because he himself is a Sinner Quran 49:19. The Black Meteorite Stone has no supernatural Power to cleanse you from Sin, and when you believe that Muslims your are Worshipping an Idol he same way Hindus do. Then what makes you laugh at an ridicule Hindus? If Good Works can save you then even Buddhists believe the same why dont you Islamic people follow Buddhism. Atleast Gautama Buddha never killed or murdered anyone. But even Buddha did not die on any cross for your sin. Beloved Muslim brothers and sisters stop being Hypocrites and come and submit to the truth, not the Satan that Muhammad followed. Islam Watch - Islams Sacred Stone of Mecca... by Lennard James Islam Watch - presenting cutting-edge news, freethinking essays, articles, debates and forum discussions on current affairs of Islam - terrorism, fundamentalism, apostasy (leaving Islam), womens rights, feminism, sharia (Islamic law)
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 18:20:27 +0000

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