NO ONE and I mean NO ONE, who has ANY clue, or brain one inside of - TopicsExpress


NO ONE and I mean NO ONE, who has ANY clue, or brain one inside of their head, DESIRES WAR, DESIRES CONFLICT, SEEKS UNREST, PURSUES A PATH OF VIOLENCE, or WISHES CONFRONTATION. THIS is the foundational and most FUNDAMENTAL principle throughout ALL of sui juris law methodology and application. The notion that CONFLICT is ALWAYS something AVOIDABLE and UNDESIRABLE. COURTS are a crucible, in them we burn away irrelvancies until we are left with a pure refined product, THE TRUTH. For now and for all time the truth which becomes the supreme law of the land deciding the issues that lead to societal ills IN PRACTICAL APPLICATION is what shapes the supreme law of the land, the rights we all share in equal capacity. When in these courts the most important thing to remember when you have not caused a breech of the peace, not harmed anyone, not caused ACTUAL damage or injury to person or property or ACTUAL violation of another individuals lawful rights, is that your honor in that appearance will be determined not by what you did to get invited to that forum but for how you TREATED the INVITATION. Not for what you do to GET a citation but for what you DO NOT DO in the 30 days BEFORE court, which comes to us right out of Matthew 5:25 and is where my notices process derives from. Settling matters quickly with our adversary, and doing it while still on the way with him to court, and if we DO NOT, if you show up to court without evidence of having offered discussion through a written answering notice entering discussion yourself, you have already lost the administrative and whole battle and are in default and may be handed over to the judge who may hand you to the bailiff who may throw you into prison. Most people today have no idea what court is all about, what law even is, or why these processes exist the way they do, most people do not understand that they do not get a court date 2 days after a citation BECAUSE they are being given an opportunity to accept and enter into discussion INITIATED BY THE OFFICER when you are given a citation NOTICE. That ticket is NOTHING more than a notice regardless of what the charge is whether it is a civil traffic offense which are not criminal at all, a misdemeanor OR even a felony so long as there is no actual real party of interest or injured party alleging harm committed by you under oath. And without such an allegation sworn by a complaining party there is NOTHING that gives by transference jurisdiction to the court. There are ONLY 2 things that DO give such jurisdiction 1 being what I just mentioned a complaint sworn under oath alleging harm or loss. The second and this si where they get you in ignorance, is YOUR OWN CONSENT. YOU can CONSENT when you do NOTHING. CONSENT most imperatively is nto ASSENT. You do not have to agree in order to consent, you can do it silently through acquiescence when you do nothing. it is why these officers when reading you your rights expect you to believe that PRIOR to conviction you only have 2 rights. 1 a right to remain silent, and 2 a right to an attorney. BOTH are incorrect. 1. You have a right to remain silent but you ALSO have a right to speak and your right to speak cannot be used against you. 2. You do NOT have a right to an ATTORNEY, what you have a right to is ASSISTANCE OF COUNSEL, and THAT is anyone you happen to believe is competent to advise you in matters of law. All you have to do in most situations to AVOID conflict is simply ANSWER YOUR CITATIONS IN WRITING< which almost NO ONE does. 98% of all citations written are just paid without contest, if we flip that number around, hell if 20% were contested the whole system of fines that has become a perverted stream of unintended revenue for the state off the ignorance of the masses including the privatized crime of the prison system, where it is profitable to create a climate conducive to crime to create slaves by breech of contract. If you learn NOTHING else, know that as long as you act with the highest standard of honor and ALWAYS can evidence an attempt to offer discussion to avoid conflict, you will prevail, because your adversary is a bureaucracy only prepared to INITIATE discussion, they are not set up to ANSWER YOU, meaning YOU can default THEM just as easily and walk away with all charges dismissed just for YOU having been ignored the same way they win by default when you send no notices and walk into court under general appearance and then claim in ignorance to stand under the cause and nature of the charges and proceedings in ignorance and thus give the court your consent to proceed without having ANY clue what you just said. I am certain that this post alone will help many in times of trouble, to avoid potential problems easily and dismiss these nonsense cases that should never see the inside of a court room. It is the DUTY of the county sheriff to ensure the care and custody of those pending COURT ACTION on ANY level, so the DUTY also must inherently exist to ensure there is valid cause to charge someone to begin with, and fines that feed a stream of revenue to the state alone without an injured party are NOT something that constitute valid cause. The 3 elements of corpus delict are what establish standing, a valid cause of action, actual or justiciable controversy, AND also jurisdiction itself, or OATH TO SPEAK without which a court cannot even hear a given case. While the average Joe on the street will have no clue or sense of what I am saying here, soon that will change, as the average Joe is becoming every day more enlightened to the truth of the way things really work as opposed to what conventional wisdom tells the ignorant. Those who are in this group I expect will immediately understand all of this and have a true grasp of the concepts herein and understand the truth of the rituals being presided over by these Saturnalien brotherhood priests of Baal in the black robes purporting to be judges. SOME judges ARE infact GOOD men and women doing good, it is only the corrupt, the arrogant, the above the law types or the I AM THE LAW types that believe they OWN the court that I have a problem with. Because these courtss belong to US, and the judge is but OUR EMPLOYEE IN IT. Enjoy my group. EVERYONE AND ANYONE MAY SHARE, OR REPOST THIS POST ANYWHERE THEY LIKE. ~~Robert Johnson Founder Sui Juris Law The Self Governing / Author, Sui Juris The Law of Full Age - Your Sovereign Claim to Unaleinable Individual Rights. (which is spelled incorrectly intentionally to distinguish it from a very similar word. The word being used here is UN-A-LIEN-ABLE not IN-ALIEN-ABLE. One may certainly alienate their rights it is done every day in registration contracts. And because government is prohibited from impairing the obligations of contracts they cannot help you if you do. The word I am using means LIEN cannot be placed AGAINST your rights WITHOUT your consent. So just stop registering shit and you will be better off. There is no such thing as an obligation of law to give your property to the state in order to acquire the lawful authority to enjoy that property. That is a natural lawful right as all are coming into awareness of with great velocity. ~Robert Johnson~ or
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 20:32:38 +0000

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