NO REAL ACTIONS WITHOUT APPROVAL IN REAL WORLD! We are looking forward for your actions in real world, Jude Chikwado commented. I got it together with many other comments, remarks and rejoins from general public. The point is very clear to the people, and I do not need to give any explanation because everybody knows that the term actions is not news. The people have been hearing my voice from jungle every day just like they heard John the Baptist who cried in wilderness according to Bible. My write ups were posted and published on daily bases, and there was no day I did not write or talk about the actions. So, it is not hard for anybody to know what this goodly young-fellow meant by the term actions in real world. He is one of my soul mates, and I liked his comments because the words proceeded from heart just like many others I have been receiving from general public. Truth is that the people have been responding to the messages, wise sayings and prophecies. They know that the prophets and seers have not told any lie but the ugly situation of things has not given anybody to do well in reality. The facts are evident in many ways but it is still important for us to remember that Jesus made empty promises to humanity due to public rejection and Crucifixtion. I respected him because he was known to the wise as a prudish player in politics. He truly knew his onion in the game, and insight told it to the wise that he was a diplomatic figure to the core. I am not try to speak against the Lord in any way. I know that Bible is great in wisdom but the point remains that Jesus is fantastic to us in life. Everything about him was written formally, and nobody here had ever seen him anywhere in real world. We know him in scriptures. He spoke to the public in parables and there was time when he said, Occupy till I come!... ... I go to prepare a place for you... ... Behold, I come quickly with my rewards in my hands... If we go to churches today, we will see the flocks of sheep there in human form. It is over 2,000 years since he departed but the sheepish fools are still there in religious places where we see them as daydreamers and religious pushovers longing to see him come quickly as he promised. Jude Chikwado, maybe you need to read that lyrics again. I said it there that I am not Jesus who made empty promises in Bible, and I am not like anyone else in the world. What I know is that I am a public figure. Divinity sent me to work for humanity. I have said it severally that formality and decorum do not give anybody to work for people without approval. It means that humanity has to do something good to provide the means, backing or fund. Please, the public should not expect any work from me anywhere in reality. The real actions have to wait until the people pay the price in full. No part payment! No credit! Pay before service! That is what I have to say in this regards. One may not understand me here. Lets just take it that Biafra-Nigeria shall continue to go down in decadence under the Sun. The minds and society shall remain in downhill until they see need to pay or reward the wise for the good works in real life. It means that deterioration and retardation should continue to feed on the wasted souls in jungle! Wasted lives and years in retarded country, Nigeria! In addition, let us remember that the fereral government of Nigeria through her delegate to the freedom house (MASSOB HEADQUARTERS) earlier this year (2014) had offered the Massobians amnesty. It was not a joke, and our great leader (Barr Ralph Uwazurike) knew why he had to turn it down. I really commended him for that decision he took for the people. He did well for rejecting the amnesty. The point is conspicuous and every wise fellow knows that Biafrans as a people does not need amnesty. Our country is due for freedom and the world knows it. Amnesty or no amnesty! What I know is that One-Nigeria is wasting away in limbo of downhill. That is why things are no longer working normal. Everybody is fooling everybody because the country is dead. I have written much in this regards. I said it severally that irony is ruling because the kings have been trekking in Nigeria while fools are riding horses. It does not call for explanation but let me say that the point is that horses are good things in real life. They are known in wisdom as the rights and benefits of the wise who merited to live in pleasure, luxury, riches, wealth and what have you. The term trekking means misery, suffering and hell for the lazy ones who failed to do well in life. The situation is call irony because the things are not done normally and formally. Everything is turned upside down, and one is naturally forced to play the fool in order to become successful in real life. That is it. People have to become big fools in order to live like big men in any retarded country like Nigeria. Sorry to the wasted souls in limbo of down! Dead country!
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 09:35:50 +0000

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