NO RELIGION In the language of materialism a person thinks that - TopicsExpress


NO RELIGION In the language of materialism a person thinks that there are many different kinds of water. They distinguish rain-water,well-water, underground-water, canal-water, swamp-water, ditch-water, gutter-water, sewer-water, toilet-water and many other kinds of water from each other. Average people will insist that these waters are completely different, because such people take external appearances as their criteria. A person with some knowledge, however, knows that pure water can be found in every kind of water. If you take rain-water and distill it, you will get pure water. If you take river-water and distill it, you will get pure water. If you take canal-water, sewer-water, or toilet-water, and distill it, you will still get pure water. As for those elements which make it impure and look different, they arent the water itself. They may combine with water, and alter water, but they are never water itself. If we look through the polluting elements, we can see the water that is always the same, When we look at things from this viewpoint, we can see that all religions are the same. If they appear different, its because we are making judgments on the basis of external forms. (NO RELIGION - Buddhadasa Bhikkhu) abuddhistlibrary/Buddhism/B%20-%20Theravada/Teachers/Buddhadasa/No%20Religion/NORELIG.HTM
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 01:01:22 +0000

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