NO RELIGION PROMOTES VIOLENCE OR HATRED. Each religion has had - TopicsExpress


NO RELIGION PROMOTES VIOLENCE OR HATRED. Each religion has had its name tarnished by extremism; thats because at the root of ALL religions is human nature. We are flawed. There are good people - and there are those who are not so awesome. The reason so many people create and accept stereotypes is because its easy and lazy. These two things often pair together - easy and lazy. Its heartbreaking, the amount of anti-Islamic sentiment Im seeing on social media. Its not enlightened to think any religion promotes violence or hatred. Its not open minded or rational to think ONLY one religion is right, and the others are wrong. I went to a Christian school and Ive studied the Bible extensively. As a Muslim Ive studied the Quran extensively. Im proud of my religion, its beauty, its origin, its message. Ive always had a pluralistic view on religion. I respect each persons right to choose their own path, whether religious or not. Today, there are an estimated 2 billion Christians, 2 billion Muslims, 885 million Hindus, 350 million Buddhists, 14 million Jews, several other religions, and its important to acknowledge the millions of people who dont practice a religion. Do Christians accept Adolph Hitler, Timothy McVeigh or the Ku Klux Klan as ambassadors for their religion? Do Muslims accept Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein or ISIS as their ambassadors? Do Jews accept David Berkowitz or Baruch Goldstein as theirs? Absolutely not. People should spend a little more time studying religion before posting/sharing links that defame other religions. He who is without sin . . .
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 01:15:50 +0000

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