NO ROOM FOR BETRAYERS THIS TIME, THE DOOR IS OPEN YOU CAN GO. The party continues to be hacked by Traitors, Betrayers and Subversives without doubt, and as long as this continues to be the case, SLPP will not be guaranteed an election win even in 2017. The problem with SLPP is that it is an open democratic party that accepts all people from all over Salone as long as you indicate a desire to belong to the party regardless of whether or not you have a genuine intent. Before and during the 2012 election we saw TRAITORS like Tom Nyuma(RIP) emerge. This is a man who was deported from the United States for a criminal record on violence against his family. He returned and the SLPP opened up to him, took him in and gave him one of the most powerful positions in the party, that of Chairman of Kailahun District Council. He was beaten up mercilessly almost to near death in the 2007 election by APC Thugs like Leatherboot in a Bo Hotel. Then in 2012 this man chose to become APC and support Koroma.(leh God ge yam gud road) During this same 2012 election, BETRAYERS like Usu Boie sold out the SLPP after he had been offered lucrative jobs during the Tejan Kabba administration from which he enriched himself. This man dared to become the Flag Bearer of the SLPP and even genuinely contested and lost. It was only after he lost that he openly declared that he was not a member of any party including the SLPP anyway. But he ended up joining the APC and supporting Ernest Koroma. And now he is Minister of Trade. During this same 2012 election, there were well know SUBVERSIVES who chose to remain in the party while undermining it to make sure that Maada Bio does not win. These same subversives and their supporters are now out in full force trying to position their subversives with the hope of becoming the next Flag Bearer. If the SLPP makes another mistake to hand the flag bearership to these subversives, it will be Tejan Kabba all over again for the SLPP. We know these subversives and impostors and WALLAHI! some of us will do whatever is in our power to prevent this party from falling victim to another Judas. Fellow SLPPers, we must be vigilant against Impostors, Traitors, Betrayers and Subversives. They say, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 08:26:04 +0000

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