NO SLEEP LATELY? ANXIOUS? BLAME IT ON THE STARS By Maria Shaw The exact Uranus-Pluto square hits this Monday morning. With the Moon in Libra then, it will Uranus and square Pluto. I know you all will feel this energy is some way, shape or form. So buckle up as Monday is a doozy! But its great for pushing stagnant energy in our lives away and helping us (if not forcing us) to make transitions that are necessary for our growth. Were all going through something but some of us more so than others. Change is all around us on a global level and a personal level and this is what this aspect is about. Its not new but this is another peak of these energies; the 6th of seven actually. Things, situations, people, jobs, etc. you always figured you could count on, you will no longer be able to. I liken this experience to the experiences of the people in city in which I grew up, Flint MI. When I was younger everyone depended on General Motors and the car industry. We were certain we would have jobs, great health insurance and an even better pension. But not any more! Those days ended years and years ago. So a lot of us that grew up with those benefits were forced to create new ways of living life, working and such. We were forced to change our expectations. This is the same sort of thing happening for everyone now. We can look at these aspects as challenging or as opportunities to grow and expand and not be limited by one thing or should I say dependent one thing, person, situation etc. As we feel experience these energies we do have some help from other planets in the solar system. Mercury and the Sun are playing nice with Jupiter, so we may have inspiration and support to help us change directions or at the least, be open to a new path. It s time to let the old ways fall by the wayside and come up with a new plan for your future. As Uranus and Pluto square each other for the sixth time, you will notice internally and externally that tension will build this weekend and peak Monday.,,,,READ THE REST OF MY ARTICLE HERE...Maria Shaws Weekend Starscopes Newsletter Edition #constantcontact
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 16:34:40 +0000

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