NO TERM LIMIT FOR UPND PRESIDENCY , HH CAN CONTEST EVEN THE 10TH TIME AND HE IS A CANDIDATE FOR 2016. Ladies and Gentlemen, We have noted with great concern the propaganda being fueled by PF cadres about the UPND President HAKAINDE HICHILEMA ( MOSES WANOMBA) on contesting the 2016 General election.Mr HH has been and will always be the UPND Presidential candidate for 2016 with or without the just ended Presidential election the nation had following the death of Mr Sata. There is this insinuation by PF that in UPND there is a Presidential Term limit in enshrined in the Party Constitution that bars Mr Hichilema who has contested elections four times from contesting the 2016 General election which is a hollow and lifeless propaganda without merits and any truth in it. There is no limit to any elective position in UPND just like there is no term in any other Zambian Political Party Constitution that bars any candidate from contesting elections the 5th time. Mr Hichilema contested the 2006 general elections following the death of Anderson Kambela Mazoka barely 4 months to the 2006 general elections after he was elected through a National Convention with ballots cast as opposed to being elected through the raising of legs, pangas and hands like the strange democracy we witnessed in other Parties.He contested the 2006 elections under the UDA Alliance of UNIP,FDD and UPND. Following the death of Dr Levy Patrick Mwanawasa in 2008 a first Presidential By-election was held and Mr Hichilema contested on UPND Party ticket. Mr Hichilema contested 2011 General election. After loosing the UPND and Mr Hichilema started setting the ground for 2016 General elections however President Sata sadly passed away subsequently holding another 2015 Presidential By-election before 2016 which he just participated. After whatever transpired the preparations for 2016 continues and nothing has changed on who is the Party candidate as HAKAINDE HICHILEMA remains the Partys sole candidate without doubt. To our voters across the country your leader Mr Hakainde remains available to seek your mandate to govern this country to provide that missing link in national leadership as well as help solve the paradox of a NATION ENDOWED WITH PLENTY YET ITS PEOPLE LIVING IN ABJECT POVERTY. In few weeks time , he will be in your areas to thank you for your continued support as well as thank and aknowledge the new voters whose trust and love he earned during the just ended election that gave him a resounding 46.7 % of the national vote. Warning to citizens :- HAKAINDE Hichilema has proved to be the greatest challenger to the ruling PF and having survived from the last election through theft, even then with only 27 000 votes or 1 % difference despite massive stealing in the just ended election. Realising the huge national support base Mr Hichilema now enjoys a cross the country and an eminent tense campaign coming in the next 14 500 hrs to 2016 general election..PF has engaged in on throat propaganda campaign by lieing that HH does not qualify to contest the 2016 elections. I repeat UPND HAS NO SUCH A CLAUSE AS TERM LIMIT. IT DOES NOT EXIST. MR HICHILEMA OR ANY OTHER CANDIDATE QUALIFIES TO CONTEST ELECTIONS EVEN FOR 100 TIMES (in the Party ) AS LONG AS THE PARTY STILL FEELS HIS LEADERSHIP IS VALUABLE TO THE NATION.NOTHING BARS ANYBODY. THE ONLY LIMIT COMES AFTER THE CANDIDATE IS ELECTED TO THE REPUBLICAN PRESIDENCY THAT HAS TWO (2) TERM LIMIT The Heritage Party President Brig Gen Godfrey Miyanda has been contesting elections in Zambia since 2001. Nobody cares which next election the General will contest. Why does PF want to give unsolicited expert of interpretating another Political Party constitution when PF and its leadership failed to interpret its own Party constitution on the process of electing a successor to late President Sata? Does the PF constitution prescribe raising of pangas, hands , diapers and hands as means of electing leaders ??? So nobody understands the constitutions of another institution other than the owners and members of the institution in question. Even if in an unlikely event there was such a clause in a UPND Constitution that limits a best candidate like Mr Hichilema who has just won the hearts of many Zambian voters as their MOSES WANOMBA who said the constitution can not be reviewed to adapt itself to the situation at hand? Which Party can change a leader or candidate with only 4 500 hrs to general election ? SO PF THE GHOST THAT MADE YOU SWEAT IN THE LAST ELECTION WHERE YOU HAD TO STEAL THE VICTORY, REMAINS YOUR GHOST IN 2016 AND NO CHANGE EXCEPT WE HAVE A RE-ENERGISED CADRE OF SUPPORTERS AND TEAM AROUND HIM TO LAUNCH THE # CHH2016 IN FEW WEEKS TIME AS RESOLVED BY OUR LEADERS IN YESTERDAYS MEETING.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 14:23:31 +0000

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