NO WONDER THAT SO MANY PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET ARE SO CONFUSED as they go from site to site reading a little hear and a little there, But what worries me there is so much misinformation some because the people involved don’t have enough knowledge on the articles they are producing and then there is the people who get paid to produce misinformation and bullshit, they ever fully create the articles or just alter articles that are giving true information to completely alter the slant , I was thinking of creating a page on WORDPRESS or The Google one due to limitation of facebook but then this page is just to give people information that they don’t receive in our media and connect people with the CEC & LaRouche Organisations These days it is easy for people to set up News sites, information sites on any subject every day I receive links to these BLOG sites as site like Word Press and Google make it very easy and cost free to set up these pages and some make a lot of money from advertising they publish anything as long as it gets people in there. NOW WHY I AM WRITING THIS ARTICLE Each day I am sent links to these blog sites and in some you see a list of contributors and they are virtually described as professional Journalist (but don’t know if that is giving them any credibility as a lot of them just write as directed by the editor or owner and don’t complain if the editor turns a truthful story into a bullshit one) with these sites you don’t know who is behind them and there is no way you can verify what they are saying without a lot of research. What made me angry the other day I went into one and it had the CEC article on the ownership of Australian banks completer with the CEC graphics normally that is good to see people sharing CEC information but the person had posted it claimed it as their own work and had their name as the Author and to reproduce it you had to get their permission and include link to their page. I left them a number of messages but no reply. And they removed my Comment explaining where the article came from and who wrote it. But the ones that disturbed me and most probably come from the one source . A number of Articles that completely alter the facts on FDR Franklin Roosevelt and paint him as a traitor and as a man serving Britain & the Royal Family he was their number one enemy seeing the war was ending and even before the war they threatened him if he spread his policies into areas they considered theirs .they even told him it would be like a declaration of War. But the last time he was in London he explained to Churchill his plans for after the war and it sent shock waves through the ranks of the Oligarchs and the British Crown and soon after he was dead and I believe they poisoned him or infected him. He had a strong supporter in our John Curtin and I believe they done the same to him. I was told of this conclusion by another person and after I done the reading I was convinced JFK and his brother were both of the mind of a return to FDR policies at home and abroad and they were being tutored by FDY’s Widow who was not just a wallflower first lady. Soon after it was becoming obvious to people that Kennedy was starting to follow in the footsteps of FDR he was dead. Then there was articles on Andrew Jackson that painted his as a true American patriot and altered the results of what he had done making him look like he save the USA but he was nothing but a traitor a tool of the British and the Bankers. The following is the real Andrew Jackson and they are powerful reading & listening I have also include a link for the video 1932 that should be viewed THE MYTH OF ANDREW JACKSON DESTROYED MP3 Audio Book https://dropbox/s/upfffovdnhm9qtb/ PDF Booklet https://dropbox/s/hywq8ppj16qw5i2/THE%20MYTH%20OF%20ANDREW%20JACKSON%20DESTROYED.pdf 1932 video https://dropbox/s/4ececbncj23lbdi/ Then there were articles completely misleading on Alexander Hamilton will have to give the links for the truth about him till later they will need a bit of a search through my hard drives but one I do have without searching is the book FROM AUSTERITY TO PROSPERITY THE PUBLIC BANK SOLUTION Book by ELLEN BROWN this book is available on Amazon and in digital format only around $12 or request your local Library to obtain it. Then there was another one giving incorrect information about Glass-Steagall bank separation telling you its reintroduction would wreck economies it even had the wrong president repelling the act. And then it went on to Support the Dodd Frank Bill that was completely drafted by wall street and presented to Dodd & frank to do the honours and like all the others who voted on it I bet they did not read it as it was over 800 pages and hidden in it was the Bail-IN legislation used in Cyprus in 2013 but this bill went through in 2010 and the bail-in legislation was a major topic at the 2008 G20 meeting and when it came to the vote it had Rudd’s full support. In our new Booklet we have a draft of Glass-Steagall legislation and shows you don’t need over 800 pages to regulate the banks FDR did it with this and pulled the USA out of the Recession and if it were not for Glass Steagall Hitler and Japan would have won the war. Hoover tried to pull the USA out of the Recession, Hoover had a lot of things right but not the banks . He sent truckloads of money to the Banks to get Americans working and building the country again, so when people running employment programs went to the Banks to get the funds they were told sorry there is none left the banks had looted it all. (FDR through a lot their arses in prison) Since the Glass- Steagall was repelled you can see the US economy going down. And one of the Main Bankers responsible for it being repelled has now apologised and called for its reinstatement the Banks are so much against that they have employed at least 3 lobbyist for every member of Congress and the senate and an army of spin doctors and leased an office block near Capitol hill for the kill Glass-Steagall project. The researchers at the CEC are finding the same thing What I liked about the CEC and LaRouche web sites right from the start they give you a lot of references and you can write to them or call them on the phone and speak to someone. Unlike so many other web sites and when I first started speaking to people I knew from my labor Party days all I got was phone calls from spin doctors and angry hacks. Actually I coped all the same spin from a labor minister on a Labor Party stand at the Cannington Show the labor Party had a tent just near the CEC tent and when I stopped at the Labor tent for a stir as they were just handing out Balloons and shit and telling people how to vote for labor and When I said I prefer the CEC tent they are handing out real information on saving Australia not handing us balloons to float away on or give us a funny voice , I then coped a full serve on how evil the CEC is and the Millions the heads were pocketing. And the mansions they live in. I tell you one thing the Labor & liberals would not work the hours or for the salaries the full timers receive at the CEC. And when you are in Melbourne working and living with them and come back here and have some Labor arsehole state minister tell you crap about them takes a lot not to lose it with them but giving then a smack on the nose just brings you down to their level.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Feb 2014 10:02:41 +0000

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