NO! Yes, on this day, 10 September 2014 that I am supposedly - TopicsExpress


NO! Yes, on this day, 10 September 2014 that I am supposedly ‘celebrating’ a birthday, I refuse to, simply in honour of three million Zimbabweans struggling to survive in the Diaspora. I refuse to in respect of the 20 000 Ndebele ‘freedom warriors’ butchered by the sword of ZANU.PF in the 1980s. I say NO! to celebrating when thousands of parents lost their innocent children during Mugabe’s diabolical and satanic 2000-2009 electoral violence. What is there to celebrate, when millions of Zimbabweans face starvation, unemployment and are condemned to many hours of darkness due to a dysfunctional ZANU.PF controlled Zimbabwe Electricity Authority? Millions of homes have no fresh, safe, running drinking water because of 34 years of ZANU.PF plunder and pervasive corruption. What about the five million Zimbabweans who are running flea markets and vending stalls that are a cheap substitute for REAL employment? What is there to celebrate when thousands of teachers are paid slave labour wage as Mugabe’s bloated cabinet flies all over the globe and drive around in expensive western cars? Thousands of commercial farmers were rendered destitute as thousands of their workers were tossed onto the streets by so-called land reform, which actually is land deformation. But I have hope. On a day, a day after the democrats have buried development activist Thomas Deve, I have hope that mortality will [also] claim people like Mugabe and his cronies, so that one day, perhaps even as ‘near’ as 10 September 2015, Zimbabwe will have true leaders, as John C. Maxwell, in his book – The 360 degree Leader – quotes Retired Admiral James B. Stockdale: “Leadership must be based on goodwill. Goodwill does not mean posturing and, least of all, pandering to the mob. It means obvious and wholehearted commitment to helping followers. We are tired of leaders we fear, tired of leaders we love, and tired of leaders who let us take liberties with them. What we need for leaders are men of heart who so helpful that they, effect, do away with the need of their jobs. But leaders like that are never out of a job, never out of followers. Strange as it sounds, great leaders gain authority by giving it away. Ngaye izigangi zeZANU.PF ziyazi ukubala, beziyolalela. Indeed, we are tired of leaders we fear. Nxaa!
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 07:42:31 +0000

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