NO on PROP 1!! It does not mitigate the effects of drought, and - TopicsExpress


NO on PROP 1!! It does not mitigate the effects of drought, and it does nothing to establish long-term water self-sufficiency. It takes needed funds away from education and other priorities. Prop. 1 will not solve our water problems. It will divert more water from our rivers and streams, and will make our environment less stable. Prop. 1 will build costly projects that will NOT solve our water problem, but will benefit wealthy agriculture corporations that want more access to California’s water. Prop. 1 burdens taxpayers with debt to build projects for billion-dollar farming conglomerates. Prop. 1 includes the largest appropriation for new dams in California’s history. The bond’s biggest beneficiaries — corporate farmers — refuse to fund the proposition’s dam projects. Taxpayers must not be required to underwrite new dams that will benefit narrow special interests. FORUM IN UKIAH TONITE: Understanding the California Propositions Mendocino Women’s Political Coalition (MWPC), the AAUW of Ukiah, Ukiah Saturday Afternoon Club and the Ukiah Daily Journal asked the Mendocino League of Women Voters to provide a Forum on the California Propositions on October 21, 2014 at the Ukiah Civic Center from 6 – 7:30 pm. Carol Czadek, President of the League and Jane Person, Voter Services, will present the California Propositions. Measure S will discussed with pros and cons. The League is a nonpartisan political organization for women and men, which encourages informed and active participation in government and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose any political party or any candidate
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 19:29:55 +0000

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