NOBODY IS PERFECT & trying to do so can lead to a very very tired - TopicsExpress


NOBODY IS PERFECT & trying to do so can lead to a very very tired and sad existence. Quick fixes, fad diets, comparisons to athletes, 8 week challenges (have there time and place), social media driven aesthetic envy will all leave you banging your head against a wall jumping from program to program asking why? This will not only lead you into a very sad existence but take you away from the essence of what I feel is a part of the amazing journey. Heres 3 tips to get you overcoming these conscious flaws and guiding you on the road to fitness and health being a part of your life and self development. You are here to set the Devine purpose to unfold. That is how important you are! Echart Tolle 1. Dont look for that quick fix. We are all human and make mistakes! Its part of this life. Living and learning. Dont beat yourself up its wasted energy. Instead turn that energy into rectifying what it is that caused the hiccup, eradicate it with a system and dont look back. I dont know any trainers that are any good who claim to be perfect. The people to follow are those that have experienced struggle and can relate to yours through their own experience and overcoming obstacles. Mistakes are inevitable always look forward and iron out the wrinkles. For me thats a fun part! Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Leonardo da Vinci 2. Its actually really simple. You want to lose weight train accordingly take in less energy and processed fake foods. Strip back your foods to the bare minimum and listen to your body. There are so many diet books, so called nutrition experts, myths created by the food industry that boggle our heads with crap e.g. Breakfast is the most imp meal of the day, carbs at night are bad, Fats are a no no, you need to eat constantly for a healthy metabolism bla bla blaaaah. The best judge is you. Im big on the fundamentals of Paleo and veganism but am far from strict. Eat simple whole foods lots of vegetables. Drop sugar, legumes and grains and listen to your body. Yes the farting, irritable stomach, cramps, groans, headaches, mood swings etc are all your body telling you that what you are putting in (or not) isnt good for you. Strip back to the basics and add foods, you will find out pretty quickly what you should and shouldnt be eating. It is not the beauty of a building you should look at; its the construction of the foundation that will stand the test of time. 3. Work on the foundations. A lot of people go to hard to fast and end up hating training, burning out, or getting injured. I mention this countlessly to clients. Its a lifestyle not a fad Heres 5 exercises you should master at repetition before Trying to do anything else 1) Push-up 2) Pull up 3) Straight arm plank (I call it the tension drill) 4) Hanging leg raise or L Sit 5) Squat If you cannot perform these exercises with strict form (Ill be dropping instructional videos on you tube) and at volume with Bodyweight you need to. Add these progressive movements to your programming and day to day living. Also try to get in some fastish walking 3-4 times a week. its one of the best ways to burn calories without burning muscle as a fuel source. Also incorporate hill sprints and or stair run intervals. You only need to do 15-20mins Max opposed to running at double or probably triple the time for the same desired results. Much love & live to be better. #Concretetraining #CalisthenicsCheifs #Itsafamilything
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 23:49:34 +0000

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