NOBODY under the blood goes to hell. When we accept Jesus, we - TopicsExpress


NOBODY under the blood goes to hell. When we accept Jesus, we start on a journey with Him where HE CONTROLS IT. He leads us into all kinds of mistakes and hard lessons so we can LEARN, GROW, and DEVELOP. Just because your kids, or someone else you love has fallen away from God - DONT WRITE THEM OFF....:) They WILL be saved because they are under the blood. If they havent borne any fruit in Christ yet - it just hasnt been THEIR season YET. Theirs WILL COME and they will show up in heaven having made you VERY proud of them!!!! God isnt with us ONLY when we are walking the straight and narrow.....:) Hes with us every moment, every day, every year while we are straying far from Him and making stupid decisions with our lives. Hes there, Hes leading those steps - because were stubborn, stiff-necked people!!! Submission to the King takes PRACTICE just like everything else. Hes going to lead us into ALL KINDS of situations in our lives TO TEACH US the benefit of choosing good over evil.....choosing Christ over the world. Anyone who has accepted that blood sacrifice for their lives is SAVED if they die - even if they have NO WORKS to show for it. The good works are ALL rewards, not a salvation issue. 1 Corinthians 3:14. If any man’s work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. 3:15. If any man’s work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire. See......if they have EVER accepted Jesus Christ, they are NOT going to hell.....even if they have forgotten about Him while they learn their hard lessons. Jesus was with me when I was SO SO FAR from Him!!!! Hes with you still too......:)
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 05:06:46 +0000

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