NON-CAKE POST ALERT: You know I like to write? Surely I told - TopicsExpress


NON-CAKE POST ALERT: You know I like to write? Surely I told you how J K Rowling probably slipped into my teenage bedroom in 1974 and stole my manuscript - okay - my exercise pad with last years compositions (google it, youngsters) containing a story about Araminta Green discovering a chest of witches gear in her grannies spare room and finding out she is off to witch school? Its true - except that I dont know for sure that JKR ever came to country Queensland in her youth. (Or maybe that mess at the end of my bed actually held a port-key and not two weeks worth of clothing and twenty books and she slipped in whenever she liked?!) Anyway, a while ago I decided I want to be a real blogger, not the sporadic oh-thats-right-I-have-a-blog kind of blogger I have been to date. And I started looking around for ideas and information and inspiration. Last week I dined out with a blogger. A funny, interesting, tell-it-like-it-is and blog-every-day kind of gal. She let me pick her brains, in between chatting about life in general and her (just slightly!) tongue-in-cheek sporting aspirations for her AFL-playing hubby. I had fun! And she gave me ideas to mull over and some clear advice about focus. Thank you Modern Mummy Mayhem! If there was a Brownlow for generosity and sheer fabulosity (errm - fabulousness?) youd be dusting off a space on the trophy shelf! This afternoon, I stumbled, rather serendipitiously (say THAT three times quickly!) on a freebie blogging workbook. And its brilliant! Well, the first half is - I am off task yet again and must get back to the original reason for being on the computer, so its been saved for perusing in more detail some time later. Sorry. Just had to blurt it all out! Back to cakes...
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 08:27:39 +0000

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