NON-MATERIAL BEINGS AND HUMANS What are the relations between - TopicsExpress


NON-MATERIAL BEINGS AND HUMANS What are the relations between humans and non-material beings? None of these races has any negative or harmful effects regarding the human race, or any other energy or material race in the universe. That is so because they live in full harmony with the Creators will. This is the reason why humans are not endangered by a single non-material race existing in the universe. On the contrary, the development of the human civilization could be accelerated if they could use the vast that knowledge that non-material beings have gathered during the billions of years of their gradual development. They are ready to assist at any moment and in any aspect. All one has to do is to contact them. You have been acquainted and you contacted the race of super-intelligent non-material beings that have no free will. They live some 200 kilometers in the earths atmosphere. You were given certain basic data on their way of life, existence, and education. They have already given you the primary information and assistance. You only need to continue contacting them, and they will redirect you towards much developed and more important non-material races in the universe. These could be of great assistance to you and the human civilization. You need to do it. Contacting Non-material Intelligent Living Beings My first contact with the non-material intelligent beings that live in the earths atmosphere happened on September 5, 1999. After the appeal I sent in my meditation, wishing to make contact with the collective conscious of this civilization I could see light in the distance. It was oval in shape and it resembled an eye, so my attention was directed towards that. Suddenly, I heard a voice or maybe I was only aware that someone was addressing me: Ljubisa, you want to contact us so that we could help you with certain issues. Yes, I am addressing you as a friend and asking for help. What would you like to know? First, I would like to find out something about you, if you want to speak about it. We will tell you what you are allowed to know. We are non-material beings, made out of energy. Compared to earthlings we are super-intelligent. We cant do anything negative and destructive. Everything we do is useful for somebody, and it is never to harm another. We live in clusters, a couple of hundreds of us together. There are no genders here. We multiply by generating a segment of our energy with the embryo in it. Out of this, it gradually develops for a couple of days. However, in regards to its intelligence, it only has potentials that have to be developed in special schools. This development goes on for about two years. After this, we become equal members with the rest of the community. We dont have free will, so it may be hard for you sometimes to understand us. Our intelligence was being created for millions of years. That is everything that you need know for the time being. In what ways can you help me? Practically in every one. This is so because we can see the present, the past, and the future, and we can change the present in order to change the future if it is not positive. After I had been given very useful information from them, I wished to thank them in a way, and so I said: Is there any way I could do something to please you? No, not in that sense, thank you. But the very fact you addressed us means a lot to us. Can I speak to you again? Sure, whenever you want to. We are openhearted and we are your friends. Good-bye.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 12:47:24 +0000

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