NON-SECULARIZATION OF INDIAN SOCIETY LOSS OF HIGH SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC COST The issue of secularism is attached a little importance at the time of election. Communist parties and some serious rational forces appeal to defeat communal forces. Secularism never an important agenda for bourgeoisie parties. In view of limited influence of left and progressive forces secularism is reduced to an anti-communal slogan . The central essence of secularism i.e separation of religion and politics has wider implication for a society like ours where anti-secular social settings and trends are dominant. I understand secularism not as an electoral agenda, not to confine its application to an anti-communal platform for political gains rather take it as much larger and long term vision: secularization of society and polity. By secularization I mean a social movement that constantly need to fight to liberate people from religious prescription or sanctions of orthodox practices and blind belief: the ugly form of Khap Panchayat , the animal sacrifice or religious sacred pyres, both illiterate and educated millions subjected to astrology, mantra or tantra, killing of human beings in the name of ghost and of numerous forms. By secularization I mean scientific temper and understanding to be internalized in every sphere of society. The forces opposed to the process secularization are feudal and caste structures and religious institutions. The manifestation of their opposition are seen in numerous forms: Like Khap Panchayat openly challenge principles enshrined in the constitution, never hesitate to fire and kill social reformers like Narendra Dabolkar, open disrespect and hatred to different religious faiths as exhibited in case of Babri Mosque demolition, Organizing of communal genocide as in Gujurat, promoting inhuman and barbaric caste practices as as witnessed recently in Tamilnadu, Fatwa by religious leaders at the time of election, misuse of power by Political leaders to appease religious sentiments of all cues, state spending and caring hundreds of religious festivals, pilgrimages , spread of fanatical and superstitious ideas in mass medias and the list goes unlimited.The danger of communalism would loom large once we ignore these numerous orthodox and irrational currents. Communalism, caste oppression and religious fanaticism bred each other.They get strengthened with secularization of society gets backtracked every inch.There is no currency, no matrix, no scale to measure the loss of social and economic cost that we pay everyday the more we contribute to process of secularization getting retarded and arrested .
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 13:34:28 +0000

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