NON STOP VOICE OF WEST PAPUA OF MELANESIA UNITED FRONT THROUGH UNITED LIBERATION MOVEMENT FOR WEST PAPUA...!!!!!!! I africa will only be ( not ) truly free and independent as long as any part of This continent will be under foreign domination Patrice emery lumumba Excerpt speech africans get up - u s delivered in ibadan, nigeria ) on 22 march 1959 #long _ is _ the _ road:(II. Resounding words of great leaders who know that the struggle for freedom is not confined only to their country but to the entire region they inhabit. So too did Father Walter Lini state that Vanuatu will not be fully free until all of Melanesia is free. III NON-STOP VOICE OF UNITED LIBERATION MOVEMENT FOR WEST PAPUA ...!!!!!!! NON-STOP WEST PAPUA FREEDOM MOVEMENT ...!!!!!!!TIDAK PERNAH ADA DIALOG PELOR JAKARTA - PAPUA ... SEDANGKAN YANG ADA ADALAH THE INTERNATIONAL PEACE TRIANGLE HUMANITARIAN NEGOTIATION BETWEEN THE OPM-NEW GUINEA OF MELANESIA ISLANDS OF WEST PAPUA AS A PRIME VICTIM AND USA, DUTCH, UNTEA, AND CONTROVERSIAL FELONY REGIME NKRI WHICH MEDIATED BY THE THIRD NEUTRAL PARTY MEDIATION , IT SHOULD TAKE PLACE IN PORT NUMBAY, OR IN GENEVA -SWISS OR IN NEW YORK - USA IN TIME OF NEED BY NOW . ALL ORGANIC AND NON-ORGANIC CONTROVERSIAL FELONY REGIME FORCES OF NKRI MUST BE REMOVED OUT - CLEARED OUT FROM THE LONG TERMS ARMS SILENCED CONFLICTS CREATED AND FORMED BY NKRI AND OTHERS AS WELL SINCE 1960S TO 2015 TODAY ...TO MAINTAIN THE INTERNATIONAL PEACE NEGOTIATION TABLE GATHERING FORUM UNDER LEADERSHIP OF UN-PEACE KEEPING FORCES OR UN-TASK FORCES IN WEST PAPUA ONLY ... THE GREAT UNBROKEN UNITY BLESSING OF ONE PEOPLE ONE SOUL ONE ALMIGHTY ONE GOD OF MELANESIA THROUGH KING JESUS CHRIST ... ONE COUNTRY OF PORT VILLA - VANUATU AND NEW GUINEA OF MELANESIA ISLANDS OF WEST PAPUA FROM THE PAST , TODAY AND FOREVER OF TOMORROW ... AMEN. WEST PAPUA CHRISTMAS MASSACRE OF 6, WEST PAPUA CHRISTMAS ASSASSINATION, WEST PAPUA CHRISTMAS KILLING SINCE 1960S TO 2014 ... The systematic and periodic Sniper modern guns and bullets style of USA and others through using The Australian government funds and trains DENSUS 88, such as Papua Remains A Killing Field even under new Indonesian President Jokowi. Paniai Massacre on Monday (08/12/2014) Indonesian Police OPENED FIRE which 17 civilians were wounded, including woman and children, whereas sixth victim died on Tuesday (9/12/2014) an Indonesian anti terrorism unit also known in Australia as the death squad. DENSUS 88 has been accused of attacking and killing peaceful West Papuan people advocating for self determination. Basically to promoted equal manipulation of hidden secret conniving scandals of robbery-steal of Gold, Oil, Gas of National New Guinea of Melanesia Islands West Papua Wealth Natural Resources since 1960s to 2014 ...with genocide after genocide pretended a good development of lucky profit only particular individual group then being sacrificed the majorities globally and systematically. THE REPUBLIC OF WEST PAPUA (NEW GUINEA OF MELANESIA ISLANDS) WITH THE QUESTIONS, NAMELY: Why an illegal for the controversial coercive regime state of ‘N.K.R.I.’ for the Republic of Indonesia which had being accepted to become the member of the United Nations on September 28th, 1950 with the longest systematical questions for them …: 1. The transfer of the sovereignty to the States Federation of the Republic of Indonesia or (R.I.S.) exactly on December 30, 1949 through the pressured of the United Nations and USA and being testified by the USA. When the UN-Secretary was “TRYGVE LIE FROM NORWAY” 1946 TO 1953, the United Nations had transferred the sovereignty of the States Federation of RIS to the hand of the Kingdom – Dutch – Netherlands Government, and when the Dutch Government had received it from the UN and the Dutch Government had being studied or supervised or correctly its contents basically about the contents of the sovereignty of the States Federation RIS , the Dutch Government had transferred the sovereignty back to the States Federation of the Republic of Indonesia. 2. Why the Republic of Indonesia did had accepted and become the member of the United Nations? Was it the secret greatest core public deception in the Body of the World Organization up till now today contexts and transgressed the International Law…??? 3. Was the former Secretary General before U – Than was ‘TRYGVE LIE’ became the Secretary General of United Nations, which was not observing this acts? Were they all kept blind…???? 4. Were the former Secretary of the UN not investigated or examined the truth documents of the countries that had obtained their freedom-independence and Sovereignty that were kept in the office of the UN …???? 5. So that, Why not the States Federation of the RIS became the member of the UN, but on the contrary the Republic of Indonesia (RI) were member of UN…??? 6. Was not the greatest erroneous of the UN till today …???? 7. Moment by moment, based on the structural state violence of the International Law and the core greatest secret public deception of Indonesia Government up till today, hopefully, that the UN should observed the New Guinea of Melanesia Islands of West Papua case, to set free the West Papua nation from the Colonization of the ‘NKRI’ Government because it was an illegal. 8. We requested officially to the UN to observe this mistake and took harsh measures against the Indonesia Government which was internationally changing the right proper legal structure of the UN to the false structural that caused of suffering and oppression up till now against the nations which are living in the ex-former Dutch subjugated territorial. 9. The Proclamation of RI independence on 17th at Pegangsaan Timur number 56 in Jakarta 1945, was resembled a realization from the meeting together with Ir. Soekarno, Drs. Moehammad Hatta, Dr. Rdjiman Wedyoningrat and Marsekal Terauchi, the theatre Army Commander of all South east Asian in Dalat , South Vietnam on August 9th to August 14th 1945, which extended the instruction of the Japanese Government about giving the Independence for Indonesia when the BPUKI and PPKI had been ready with all of their preparations…???? Based on this, the amount of the young Indonesia (PETA) requested to Ir Soekarno and Drs. Moehammad Hatta to proclaim the Indonesia Independence on August 17th, 1945. 10. Then, if we take a look of a note of text of the Proclamation of the RI on August 17th, 1945, it is true that the text had in touch with the discussion in Dalat –South Vietnam August 9th to 14th of August, 1945. It was more and more confusing because the text of the Proclamation it’s meant, had no based on the law and it was not based on the will of Indonesia people. And Because of this, we demanding from the President of Indonesia Jokowi’cs to give the responsibility in connection with the various falsification and the core secret greatest public Deception which are now causing other nations who are living in the ex- former Dutch subjugated territorial to fall into the depth of multiple of suffering and the structural of injustice, because the truth in not belong the mankind, but the truth is always belongs to almighty One God of all. The Proclamation of RI on August 17th, 1945 was not only making perplexing because of not based on the law and it was not sure, but it caused more and more trouble and types conflicts such as the proclamation has no basic formula or it’s baseless. 11. The Proclamation of the Republic of West Papua in Port Numbay –Hollandia 1 December 1961 as an official New State of West Papua which was resembled a political manifestation in maintaining the International’s decision concerning the transferred of the sovereignty the states based on the Round Table Conference on November 2nd, 1949 without the territory of West Papua at that time in Ridderzaal in the city of Gravenhage, Dutch. 12. We wish to ask the President of Indonesia Jokowi’cs on what base and what reason did the West Papua Nation-OPM, the Malucas Nation -RMS, Aceh nation – GAM,and others … 13. Why did the RI expanded its power to reach out for and touche the entire of the ex-Dutch subjugated territorial which is known the ‘Dutch Indiche” namely from Sabang-Northern Sumatera Island to Merauke- New Guinea Island…??????? We hope that Jokowi must have the responsibility of this important case before too late. 14. PK 3 MEANS: The Transfer of the sovereignty, 2. The Aggression against the sovereignty and 3. The Defence of Sovereignty. The transferred of the sovereignty to the States Federation of RIS exactly on December 30,1949 on the pressure of UNCI and the USA to the Dutch Government. The Dutch Government transferred the sovereignty to the Government of RIS according to the charter’s plan of the transfer of the sovereignty from the result of the Round Table Conference on Nov.2nd, 1949 in Ridderzaal at the city of S’Gravenhage Dutch. 15. The aggression against anti the sovereignty done by Ir. Soekarno the President of the Federal Republic of Indonesia (RIS) exactly on March 7th, 1950 in the capital of RI State of Yogyakarta, according to to its status QUO, which acquired on the Renville’s agreement on Jan 17th, 1948 and the Linggarjati agreement. And this crime was done by Ir, Soekarno, destroyed the whole structural of the Constitution of the State Federation of RIS its self who had its independence and sovereignty. This action of the President Ir. Soekarno was a bad action or the separatist against-anti independence and sovereignty country in the sphere of South East Asia and New Guinea of Melanesia islands of West Papua in 1949, namely the State Federation of RIS. In the States of Federation of RIS are consist of 16 States in a Federal system included RI, with its status QUO acquired from the resolution of Renville on Jan 17th, 1948 and had the joint of the declaration of intent known by the saying of “Charter of Agreement” from the plan of the Constitution of the States Federation of RIS in 1949. This reckless action caused the States Federation of RI loss its sovereignty and so How that sovereignty could be regained…??????? 16. Is it true that the RI which is the separatist able to create its own sovereignty? We wish to know how the RI acquired its sovereignty. Is this right? Or by using the system of manipulation in manner of International? 17. Was it not by destroying the sovereignty of RIS by Ir. Sukarno the ex-President of RIS on March 7th, 1950 in the capital State of RI of Yogyakarta. Was it not mean, that: The RI also lost its sovereignty…??????? Apparently the RI had possess its sovereignty, and so where are those 15 states in Federal system which have the same right and with the same declaration of intent known by saying: Charter of Agreement” found in the RIS constitution in 1949…??????? 18. The root issue of West Papua Conflict was caused by UN Resolution 1752 to pushed Dutch Urgent submit Administration of West Papua to the United Nations and then the referendum in 1969 that does not conform to Resolution 1752 of Article 18 then UN established New Resolution 2504. It is one of the United Nations error since the UN was founded in 1945 so until today no regulation of Indonesia to setup Papua and West Papua as provinces in Indonesia. It is similar to East Timor and Malaysia almost as well. As a result of this UN resolution, more than half million (
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 02:27:59 +0000

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