NONSENSE OBAMACARE, THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT Passed by republican House under Bush W 12/24/2009 Passed by Senate 03/21/2010 under Bush W Signed by Obama 03/23/2010 Approved by the Supreme Court later. It is law 114-14 and can not be defunded Obama is not impeachable. If he were he would still be president as Clinton was. Start Impeachment Now, Liberal Logic 101, Chicks On The Right and fixed FOX bias noise are nothing but racism and brainwashing. 99.9999% of what is shown on face book is garbage. Stop bashing Obama for the mess Bush W got us in. Bush W initiated a destructive futile aggression in Iraq, killing more than 100,000 people and displacing 4 million. He violated the chief clause, Article 2, Section 4 of the United Nations Charter, which prohibits “the threat or use of against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state”. The U.S. not only signed this document, but proudly fought for outlawing aggression as the main crime of war. Bush W also violated the Supremacy Clauses of the U.S. constitution Article 6 Section 2, which makes treaties signed by the United States the highest law of the land. With his “with or against us” attitude, lying about Iraq’s connection to 9/11, and ordering torture, he has made the United States a rogue in the eyes of the world. Bush W is a war criminal. IF you would like to know about Bush W and his past, do a search on “bush schoedinger” and “bush dynasty“. For example familyofsecrets is one of the sites found. I approve of the way Obama is trying to keep us out of war. If Bush W or McCain were president, we would be at war with most of the Middle East. Obama is currently trying to keep us out of war with Syria. If Bush W or McCain were President, we probably be at war with most of the Middle East. STOP YOUR BRAINWASHING
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 00:54:45 +0000

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