NOPe.. I thought so,an fought for years to not kill - TopicsExpress


NOPe.. I thought so,an fought for years to not kill Christmas.. THEn one day woke an seen truth.. It was there all along,but I was blinded,like many are. NO Ahterah Poles near the alter of GOD. Read scripture an commentaries bottom left > biblehub/parallel/deuteronomy/16-21.htm ttp://biblehub/exodus/34-13.htm biblehub/jeremiah/17-2.htm biblehub/jeremiah/10-4.htm …Jerimiah 10:4 …3For the customs of the peoples are delusion; Because it is wood cut from the forest, The work of the hands of a craftsman with a cutting tool. 4They decorate it with silver and with gold; They fasten it with nails and with hammers So that it will not totter. 5Like a scarecrow in a cucumber field are they, And they cannot speak; They must be carried, Because they cannot walk! Do not fear them, For they can do no harm, Nor can they do any good.… YOU CAN CLEARLY SEE THIS IS SPEAKING OF A CHRISTMAS TREE.. Also a god/goddess by same name ask/wiki/Asherah_pole EGyptians followed this.. Among others. thequeenofheaven.wordpress/2010/11/16/asherah-part-iii-the-lion-lady/ An THE Shepards were IN Fields with their Sheep ,when JEsus was born.. Sheep are not in fields during the winter. THEy would freeze to death. JEw fight is SPring or fall was birth of JESus. All the world does nto celebrate Christmas in December.. It was catholic who set DEc an month of JEsus birth. An Catholic who set date 25th of dec.. to coincide with pagan celebrations. THEY wanted the heathen an jew to mix,to better control them. Persuade them.. CAtholic church is the false church antichrist, what better way to tear down GOD,than within his Church/children? ask/wiki/Christmas I like all loved Christmas, an I fought to keep it too.. but we were brainwashed to think it was part of GOD THrough JESus Christ. It never was.> GOD said make NO image in heaven or earth to bow too.. What do Christians do? GEt on knees under Christmas trees for presents. An think its for JEsus Birthday.. Think whole idea is Love,which is too represent Christ JEsus. SAy fumble all along.. I Wuit having tree deveral years ago. Even JEW fight over to have tree or not. JEw counsel won out an did not do Christmas tree. IF JEw does not, then you know Christians should not. HUMANS WANT THE GIFTS... MAde it commercialism..not about GIFT F PRE LOVE JESUS NAME SHOULD BRING ALONE. I PRAise GOD DAily,not just at Christmas season. I know the BIRTH was not the most important or GOD would have told precise His Sons birth. ITS important HE CAme, just not the day.. ITs Important we Know He DIED for all mans SINs,an Was Reserrected back to life !!! Shalom -patsy powell/DTAHF
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 08:00:43 +0000

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