NORMAL CRIME IN SOUTH AFRICA BY GOVERNMENT. In South Africa, you can rape a baby. You can wrap a baby in newspaper and set her alight. You can brutally rape and torture a woman and tie her to her own bed and set her alight. You can rape a 4 year old little girl and hang her to a tree. You can drown a 12 year old boy in boiling water. You can invade a home and wipe out a whole family. You can hack old people to death. Just as long as you take something from them, then it will be classified as a robbery or normal crime. They make it a race issue if the victim is black and the perpetrator white. They call it robbery and normal crime if the victim is white and the perpetrator black. Can you really be that stupid not to see what is going on in South Africa? According to the ANC, only whites can be racist. I mean, this is the same government implementing laws that will slowly make the white man disappear. If you see all these atrocities as normal crime then you are one sick savage. You should hang with the devil and his followers. Will you only wake up when this happens to your kids? Will you than say “but I did not know”? There is a silent but deadly attack on you, but you still too stupid to see the truth for what it is. Turning your head the other way makes you sleep better but it does not make you safer. Things will not get better. You need to realize that you as a law abiding citizen have less rights than a criminal. They are a protected species in South Africa and that is why all criminals flee to our country. The government proved that they will not protect you and the savages kill, rape and murder at free will. IT’S TIME THAT ALL GOOD SOUTH AFRICANS TAKE HANDS AND SAY ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 07:29:40 +0000

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