NORTHWOOD PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting of Northwood - TopicsExpress


NORTHWOOD PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting of Northwood Parish Council, held in Northwood Primary School, Wyatts Lane, Northwood, Isle of Wight on Tuesday, 1 October 2013 Present: Councillors John Pullen (Chairman), Chris Riddet (Vice Chairman), Paul Fuller, David Jaggar and John Nicholson also In attendance: Barbara Herbert (Clerk and RFO) PCSO Lisa Paul IW Cllr Steve Stubbings There were two members of the public present 103/13-14 To receive and approve any apologies for absence Apologies had been received from Cllrs Ray Mew and Derek Smith 104/13-14 Members’ interests There had been no written requests received for Dispensation on items forming the agenda. Cllr Fuller declared a non-pecuniary interest in Minute 109/13-14 as he was a member of the IW Council’s Planning Committee Cllr Nicholson declared a non-pecuniary interest in Minute 109/13-14 as a member of the IW Council’s Planning Committee Cllr Pullen declared a non-pecuniary interest in Minute 115/13-14 as a Trustee of Northwood Cemetery Cllr Fuller declared a non-pecuniary interest in Minute 115/13-14 as a Trustee of Northwood Cemetery 105/13-14 To receive a report by the Local Safety Neighbourhood Officer PCSO Lisa Paul presented the report of the Local Safety Neighbourhood (LSN) team, on events that had taken place since the last meeting. Particular mention was made of the following: • The Speed Watch demonstration that had taken place on 26 September outside of the Travellers Joy, in Pallance Road. Approximately fifteen people had attended and most were willing to sign up to the scheme. Once trained then participants could then take ownership of the scheme and undertake their own “Speed Watch”, reporting back to the police the registration numbers of those vehicles caught speeding. A similar demonstration had taken place in Rew Street.. • The on-going problem of motorised bikes being driven along the cycle track near to Medham. However, this time the situation related to e-bikes. These looked very similar to Vestas or Lambretta type scooters. The police had undertaken spot checks following complaints by a local resident and found that the bikes were actually classified as a cycle. Subsequently the driver was not required to wear a helmet and they could quite legitimately be ridden along the cycle path. Another name for that type of bike was a ‘juicy’ bike. Cllr Jaggar reported on the proposals of the IW Council to reduce the width of an access gate along the Medham Farm track in an attempt to reduce the speed that those particular bikes could reach. 106/13-14 To welcome IW Cllr Steve Stubbings, to advise on his view of the role of parish councils in the eyes of the new Council and how Northwood might benefit under the Community Asset Transfer scheme and the Community Right to Buy scheme The Chairman welcomed IW Cllr Steve Stubbings, the Deputy Leader of the IW Council to the meeting. Cllr Stubbings advised councillors of his responsibilities under the new administration, portfolio wise, that was to liaise with parish and town councils in order to promote the Localism Agenda. Cllr Stubbings reported that the funding subsidy received from the Government was to be substantially reduced by some £23m, in the coming budget round. The financial situation therefore for the following year would be quite dire. The new administration was fully prepared to consider any serious proposals expressed by Town and Parish Councils in the taking over of IW Council’s assets or in the provision of services within their local area. The need to transfer some facilities currently provided to other bodies could be essential in enabling them to continue. If Parish and Town Councils did not embrace this then some amenities could well be lost. The need to work together to establish those services local residents considered to be most significant in their area was imperative. The IW Council would then consider how to facilitate their transfer in the best way possible. Following a question, Cllr Stubbings suggested that it would more appropriate for Town and Parish Councils to indicate the elements that they considered could be taken over, rather than being dictated to by the IW Council.. In discussion, Cllr Stubbings encouraged the Parish Council to think ‘big’. He also suggested that the IW Council might provide some pump priming initially. However, the potential for raising extra revenue lay with the Parish Council, with the financial implications of running some services appearing in the local precept. The Chairman thanked Cllr Stubbings on behalf of the Parish Council for his attendance. Cllr Stubbings offered to attend a future meeting to discuss the situation further, if councilors considered that to be helpful. 107/13-14 To confirm and authorise the Chairman to sign the Minutes of the previous meeting of the Parish Council held on 3 September 2013 RESOLVED : THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 3 September 2013 be confirmed and the Chairman authorised to sign them on behalf of the Parish Council. 108/13-14 Matters arising on the Minutes There were no matters arising raised. 109/13-14 Town and Country Planning a. To consider the following application received and make comments in accordance with the guidance for material planning considerations listed at iwight/council/departments/planning/appsdip/MakingCommentsInfo.aspx TCP/059892/L Hillis Gate Riding Stables, Hillis Gate Road, Newport – Replacement of planning permission proposed stable block and tack room, in order to extend the time limit for implementation RESOLVED : THAT Northwood Parish Council fully supported the application for the replacement of planning permission for a proposed stable block and tack room, in order to extend the time limit for implementation as it was considered in-keeping with the area b. The following decision taken by the Local Planning Authority since the last meeting of the Parish Council was noted: A/02618 1 Mariners Way, Northwood – Conditional Planning Permission for one non-illuminated fascia sign 110/13-14 To consider any necessary action that the Parish Council should take to prevent inconsiderate parking around the village Cllr Nicholson passed on the observations of Cllr Smith with regard to the inconsiderate parking that sometimes occurred on a corner in Venner Avenue, near to the play park. A suggestion was made to request Island Roads to consider if there was scope for the installation of drop pavements in Wroxall Close, thereby enabling parking on half the pavement width. However, some reservations were expressed as this would still not provide a clear view along the road, which was essential being adjacent to a play area. The inconsiderate parking of several distribution vehicles particularly on some street corners, which blocked .the vision of other motorists, was once again raised. RESOLVED : THAT Cllr Nicholson make contact with Island Roads and the police to organise a joint meeting with Cllrs Fuller and Riddet to discuss the best way to improve the situation of inconsiderate parking and to report back to the next meeting. 111/13-14 To give consideration to undertaking an Emergency Plan Reference was made to the draft Emergency Plan, which if completed would potentially identify community resources within the parish and could be used if faced with an emergency situation. Councillors agreed that it would be a very worthwhile exercise to undertake and suggested that, subject to his agreement, Cllr Smith be designated as the lead councillor. RESOLVED : THAT, in the first instance, Cllr Smith be approached to seek his agreement in undertaking the Emergency Plan, with assistance from Cllr Pullen 112/13-14 To consider allocating Areas of Special Responsibilities to councillors RESOLVED : THAT Cllr Fuller contact all councillors to ascertain their areas of interest and to present a report to the next meeting of the Parish Council. 113/13-14 To appoint a councillor as the designated Health and Safety representative The clerk advised that after the previous meeting, Cllr Ward had expressed his interest in being appointed as the Parish Council’s Health and Safety representative. RESOLVED : THAT Cllr Ward be appointed as the Parish Council’s Health and Safety representative 114/13-14 To consider and comment on the Constitutional Review Survey Mr Bob Blezzard, a member of the public, was present and addressed councillors to advise of his preference for Option 2, the reasons for this and also why he was urging the Parish Council to not support Options 1 and 3. Cllr Jaggar spoke of his many years’ experience working in local government and subsequent involvement in various decision making processes. Cllr Jaggar expressed some sympathy to the case put forward by Mr Blezzard, confirming that in the interests of transparency and democracy Option 2 would be his preferred choice. The other options tended to leave many of the members disenfranchised and not part of the debate, with too much power in the hands of just a small group of councillors. Discussion ensued on the benefits and dis-benefits of each option in turn with the majority of councillors expressing agreement for Opinion 2. RESOLVED : THAT the preferred option of Northwood Parish Council be Option 2, as it provided more transparency and member involvement. 115/13-14 To approve the request for a letter of support from the Friends of Northwood Cemetery Consideration was given to the letter from the Board of Trustees for the Friends of Northwood Cemetery informing of the intention to apply for Heritage Lottery funding to enable restoration of both the chapels, establish a Woodland Burial site and continue to use the area for the local community. Cllr Fuller having declared an interest in the matter abstained from taking part in the vote. RESOLVED : i. THAT the Parish Council writes a letter of support for the proposed bid by the Board of Trustees for the Friends of Northwood Cemetery, for Heritage Lottery funding; ii. THAT the letter of support be signed by the Vice Chairman, Cllr Riddet 116/13-14 To receive progress reports from Working Party leads a. Traffic and Transport Issues Working Party Cllr Riddet advised of the meeting the previous week with Cllr Ian Ward, the Secretary of the Community Bus Partnership. .Changes were being planned for the route of Service 34, through Wootton and Havenstreet, Some residents living near to the Folly expected a Southern Vectis service into Newport and were not prepared to make a donation when using the local community bus. This was causing a level of displeasure with other service users. With regards to Service 32, it was planned for a slight alteration to the route so that from the traffic lights at Northwood the bus would travel along Nodes Road, Place Road and Three Gates to stop outside the new Aldi store. Cllr Pullen queried if there was a need for a fare structure to be determined, in order to receive Government grant funding for community bus services. It was also suggested that there was a lack of awareness as to who had the organisational responsibility for the Community bus service. Cllr Riddet volunteered to place an article in the Northwood News and Gurnard newsletter b. Northwood in Bloom Working Party Cllr Pullen reported the regrettable news that Ryde House Nurseries was due to close at the end of November. An order had been placed for the winter planting, which was due to be delivered before the end of October. It was requested for payment to be made upon delivery. RESOLVED : THAT payment of a cheque for £238.60 in favour of Ryde House Nurseries be approved being the cost of the winter planting. c. Parish Plan Working Party The Working Party agreed to formulate a Housing Needs questionnaire for delivery to all residents. The cost of production would be met by the IW Council. It was suggested that each form would be inserted in a plastic sleeve for protection. Residents could return the questionnaire via the newsagents if they so wished, or else they would be collected by councillors, prior to the end of November. 117/13-14 To receive the report for information of Cllr J Nicholson, the IWC Ward Member for Cowes South and Northwood .Cllr Nicholson tabled his report on matters with regard to his role as Ward Member. Particular mention was made to the following: • The September meeting of Cowes Town Council • Cowes Educational College – The concerns for local contractors following Pihl going into administration • The Asphalt Plant – Cllr Jaggar had been invited to undertake a critical analysis of the action of the IW Council’s Planning section over the application • Cowes Parade security concerns • The work of the IW Council across all parties towards improving services, raising standards and cutting costs. Cllr Riddet questioned why all main tourist areas had a Tourist Information Point, with the exception of Cowes. Cllr Fuller agreed to raise this matter at the next meeting of Cowes Town Council. 118/13-14 To receive a report on the Executive Committee meeting of Isle of Wight Association of Local Councils (IWALC) held on 19 September RESOLVED : THAT in the absence of Cllr Ward the report on the Executive Committee meeting of IWALC, held on 19 September, be deferred until the November meeting 119/13-14 To receive a report on the meeting of the Community Waste Advisory Group held on 4 September RESOLVED : THAT in the absence of Cllr Smith the report on the meeting of the Community Waste Advisory Group, held on 4 September, be deferred until the November meeting 120/13-14 Clerks Report a. Administration To consider establishing a Precept Working Party RESOLVED : THAT a Precept Working Party be established comprising of Cllrs Paul Fuller, John Nicholson, John Pullen and the clerk in order to determine a draft Precept, for the year 2013/14, for consideration at the meeting in November. b. Finance i. The interim budget statement to the end of September 2013 and the bank reconciliation with Statement No 62 were received and noted. ii. The half yearly budget statement to the end of September 2013 was received and noted iii. To authorise payment of cheques The clerk advised that the correct amount for cheque 000333 should read £955.54, which still fell within the budget. RESOLVED : THAT the following cheques be approved for payment: 000331, £46.70, Mrs B Herbert, Clerks Expenses 000332, £21.05, Chale Parish Council, Photocopying 000333, £955.54, Mr J Wadsworth, Watering of plants 000334, £238.60, Ryde House Nurseries, Winter Planting 121/13-14 Correspondence. Correspondence received was listed in the report circulated with the agenda and updated further at the meeting. 122/13-14 Councillors’ reports Cllr Pullen advised that at the Best Kept Village awards ceremony Northwood received a special award of a cheque for £25 and a plaque in appreciation of the tubs and planters around the village. A similar amount had been presented to the Community Partnership. Cllr Fuller referred to the recent meeting of the Local Access Forum. It had been reported that Church Lane might be re-classified as a bridleway. Cllr Fuller agreed to seek confirmation or a progress update on this. The initiative for horse riders to use a path between Hillis Gate and Forest Road was supported. It was also hoped that the footpath between Marks Corner and Whitehouse Road to be upgradred to Bridleway status. Cllr Fuller also mentioned his attendance at the Solent Forum, where Associated British Ports had referred to 1.5 billion tonnes of dredged aggregates that would be returned to sea as there was no planned use for the material. This had been considered unsustainable. Cllr Pullen reported how impressed he was on his visit to Cowes Enterprise College. The pupils appeared to also be impressed with the new building. 123/13-14 Future agenda items November Meeting To consider a draft Precept for 2014/15 To consider if improvements are required to the football pitch on the playpark 124/13-14 To undertake a brief review of the meeting A “Very Good” meeting THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS THE CHAIRMAN CLOSED THE MEETING AT.8.35pm Signed ……………………………………………. Dated ……………………………..
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 21:53:55 +0000

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