NORTON Town Hall Meeting Update Monday October 7, 2013 A good - TopicsExpress


NORTON Town Hall Meeting Update Monday October 7, 2013 A good turnout this evening for the Norton Town Meeting at the Norton Middle School Auditorium and the meetingh began with Honored guests State Representatives Jay Barrows and Steven Howitt and Jay Timilty in attendance and it started with Article 1 on the available funds and sum of money to pay the unpaid bills and free cash and no discussions on Article 1 and it was passed by unamious vote passed by unamious vote and article 2 to raise and appropriate funds and Article 3 skipped and same goes with Article 4 and Article 5 is on the Free Cash and Available funds for the capital fund and it’s passed and article 6 of the capital improvement budget to the purchase for items for town department and article 6 provides money for capital improvement fund and borrowing and for the ambulance reserve fund and the town is spending $60,000 as part of it’s article 6 budget for Ambulance stretchers and the town hall is making improvements and renovations to move office from upstairs to downstairs so that the fire department nerxt door can have room and Article 6 passed by 2/3rds vote and Article 7 lost by the moderator and Article 8 is appropriate the lost proceeds for the sum of the Yelle school gym floor repairs which was damaged in January by a leaky pipe and it was passed and article 9 on the employment benefits passed and Article 10 is to available funds for a sum of money for 40B and it was passed by a majority vote and article 11 on Woodlock Road for land adjacent to Norton Reservoir and Article 11 get a standing vote and it goes 164 for yes and 1 for no and passed and 2/3 majority vote and Article 12 for Portions of the Crane Farm and Preserve the land of the property and the town of Norton and a couple of speakers spoke up about Article 12 and to receive money on to preserve the land and I spoke about the land that people can use for outdoor activities and it was passed and Article 13 on the parcel owned by the Daggett-Crandall-Newcomb home to transfer funds and to buy the land of 7 acres and try to purchase it as a cemetery near the Daggett-Crandall home to design and plan the town will be working with the Cemetery Commission to raise the fees for the gravestones for the cemetery and Article 13 is passed by a 2/3 vote and Article 14 took amount opf time and it was to create a watershed plan for the water bodies and I spoke about preserving the water bodies and especially Lake Winnecunnet which is falling apart and Article 14 is free cash and after funds that are borrowed and transferred to the amount of $500,000 of hiring a consultant to preserve the bodies of water in Norton and the town couldn’t afford the cast after a short recess and conferring with town officers and town council, they allowed the amendment which is the main motion for a 2/3 vote to transfer $50,000 in free cash and to borrow $450,000 under the provision on G.L c44 secs 7 or 8 or any other enabling authority to preserve Lake Winnecunnet and Other bodies of water and the amount was changed to $150,000 and when the amendment of the original question has been moved and they came up with the last amendment by 2/3 majority vote and article an that Mr. Adams approved with the $150,000 and the Amendment declared lost and the $500,000 amendment one is declared lost also and on the original motion or $50,000 and Article 14 passed with the majority vote and Article 15 recommend to transfer funds to town employees passed by 2/3 of the majority vote and Article 16 on the fiscal year is majority and Article 17 on Feck way within Autumn Park and article 17 passed by 2/3 majority vote and Article 18 to disclose abandoned funds to the state at the end of the tailings process and Article 18 passed by anaminous vote and Article 19 on the zoning map of East Main Street from Residential to a village commercial district zone and article passed by majority vote and Article 20 to a registered medical marijuana dispensary and Article 20 passed by a 2/3 majority code and article 21 on a permanent building committee spending plan and article 21 passed a majority and voted as amended and passed as an unanimous vote and Article 22 for the sum of money for the stabilization fund and Article 22 passed by the 2/3 majority vote.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 02:18:15 +0000

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