NOT ALL FRIENDS IN TIME OF OUR NEEDS AND UNSTABLE MINDS ARE INDEED FRIEND, SOME CAN IN TIME OF OUR NEEDS THROW TOWELS ON OUR FACE AND PUSH US INTO DEEP PIT: LORD HAVE MERCY. Friend, what happen, you look so depressed and shabby, hope all is well with you, no fella, nothing is well this time, I have to buy handout for a huge ammount, how could I when I hardly took a square meal yesterday, this morning before taking my lecture I just drink biscuit and small tea cup tea, I called my parent, only to hear my mom‘s cry and complains at the other ends. I am not destined for education, I am burting out. But fella, as a friend, what can you do to aid me from this shameful disaster of droping out of school that is about to happen to me. His fell gave a faint smile and said, if you can beat them, what will you do, you got to join in. Period, Friend looked at his fella, and asked him to explain himself to him farther, then god fella told him about a group called red eye, in the group, they deals wth rich ladies, young women on net. It is called on-line bizness, how they go about it, you will search from your friend lists online, if you see any woman or lady (most specially single old or young ), just add them to your list, download their pictures, then take the picture of the one that is very rich or influentialto an herbalist or any person that knows about love charm, then the whole the whole thing is done when two and three were added together. The woman in question will love you like mad, and all her fortune spent on you, but remember, just make sure after you have suck her riches dry, release her from the charm to go her way, we dont marry them, a person you marry with charm can never give you a happy and lasting home. It will be war all the time, because the Love is not natural. Friend heaved and follow the evil way he was introduced to. He did as instructed and it was successful, but the lady that fell into his trap were so madly inlove with him, one day when they were having canal love, she tear the protection rubber, because she sensed that the man is only using him, the man unknown to him released and went his way. The second month the woman came to informed the man that she took in for him, that is when he explodes, what! take on for who? me, you must be crazy, because I am not ready for any daddy thing, after all I used protection, and the lady narates to him what she did and the purpose behind it. The man called in his fella and told him all that happened, but this his deadly friend told him to drug the woman‘ drink to abort the pregnancy, he did as he was told, and this landed the poor woman to hospital, where she was told that the drug used in her is too powerful and has destroy her womb. What a calamity!!! The woman after the information ran mad and end up in mental institution,. ......... To cut the story short, as a rich woman, she was treated with all possible treatments, there on her sick bed, she met a man that love her with her condition, he took over her case abd God was on his side, the woman was healed from the madness. She told the man her ordeal, but the man told her never to trust any unproductive result, but trust in the healing hands of the Great Physician, Jesus Christ. After five years of their union, she got pregnant without womb, but the God of Wonders and miracle on the day of her delivery, did His wonders again, the day she deliver the twins in her womb was the day the man that ran her mad had an accident and have his spinal chord broken. With no issue to call his own. This woman, her husband and their twins was on their way out of the hospital, when they met this heartless man on wheel chair on his way also out of the hospital. The Bible is so complete,it say in Proverbs 20:6 “Many will say they are loyal friends, but who can find one who is truly reliable?” (NLT) Proverbs 13:20 “He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harms.” (NIV). Many women, ladies, young girls are today leaving under the bondages of false and charm love. So blinded by this evil veils, even if they got beaten, they will be the one to beg and also lavish money on these heartless monsters,because they have been charmed. The worst of it all, when these vampires find their true love, after they must have suck their victims dry, they will then rid them off like condemned elements. Ladies, women, young ones, be vigilant and be closer to God. They are many wolves and money suckers out there. Anywhere our pictures has been taken to and charmed for false and deceit love, heaven is releasing it today by fire in the mighty name of Jesus Any altar used to bewitch us with charmed love, catch fire in the mighty name of Jesus You are released from any unnatural love that is not of God to drain you momentarily dry by fire in the mighty name of Jesus. We are set free in Jesus name. Bless the name of the Lord # YE MUST BE BORN AGAIN #
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 13:25:23 +0000

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