NOT AN ESCAPE ROUTE I know there are loads of people, dudes and - TopicsExpress


NOT AN ESCAPE ROUTE I know there are loads of people, dudes and ladies who so desperately want to get married. Their lives are either on pause or oscillating around the same spot like a pendulum. They look forward to that person who will turn their lives around and just fix it. Hope deferred makes the heart sick. It seems to some people that the older they get, the farther away the right person seems to move. This long wait has resulted in anxiety and some are on the verge of depression. Many even think or believes marriage is the way to happiness; to think that marriage will make you happy is to misplace your expectations. If as a person, your attitude is messed up, marriage wont fix things; it will just complicate the existing mess. Take your time of waiting to make yourself happy, develop yourself, love every bit of you, that is when someone else can appreciate and love you. Dont just sit around doing nothing in expectation of a partner! Marriage is like building a house. If youre doing the right thing, youll know its no fun ride all the way....youll need to dig, carry tools, get your hands dirty in the process of putting the structure in place. So, an unhappy-expecting to be happy in marriage-person will be overwhelmed when he/she sees that theres work to be done to enjoy it. Dear singles, before embarking on marriage or marriage relationship, be a happy, fulfilled independent single. Only then are you qualified to enjoy bliss in marriage. A great marriage is the union of two selflessly giving people. Make up your mind to be happy and not wait for your happiness to be hinged on someone else. Only then can you attract the right person. Know that marriage is not also a solution to loneliness! As singles, we often put conditions on our happiness. We say, when I get married, then Ill be happy or when I have children, then Ill be happy, or when I have a nice family, a comfortable home, and a fulfilling, high-paying job, then Ill be happy. We make the absence of loneliness one of the conditions of our happiness too. We assume that we cant be happy until everything is perfect in our life, which means no more loneliness. Marriage doesnt guarantee an end to loneliness. Millions of married people are lonely too, still looking for a level of understanding and acceptance their spouse doesnt give to them. Therefore; work on yourself and know that marriage is not a way out but a beginning of another journey that will have its ups and downs, moreso it is about marriage and not wedding! Oluwatoyin Adebowale KEY ©2014
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 07:41:53 +0000

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