NOT FOR ANYONE SPECIFIC BUT SPECIALLY FOR GUYS WHO THINK THEIR MORALS HAVE BEEN REACHING THE SKY AFTER WATCHING THAT HILARIOUS MOVIE "PYAAR KA PUNCHNAMA". A happy man is the biggest misconception anyone can make!! They can never be happy with one girl!! In the beginning of every relation they please you with “thank god you are different from others, you are totally not gurly gurly types, and I just love you the way you are. Don’t want you to change ever. After sum time, there is a startup “baby, don’t you think you should loose sum weight, not that I am complaining, but shed these extra pounds so that you look the best. Two months gone and the statement shifts to “ look at yourself, when was the last time you look good, you are so damn loud, I don’t like this nature of yours, you need to be more calm publicly” no matter even if we are famous for our good nature and public relations. First a guy will complain about your chirpiness, and then if you are quite, then you are full of attitude and acting rude. If you are talking gaily to his friend then “what was the need to be too cozy with them, if you are reserved to yourself ,then you have this rotten habit of keeping to yourself and not mixing up”. Guys have a habit of staying with shit!! Delhi belly proves it!! guys can survive with just two t-shirts and if the girl stays with two tops, they would comment on her wardrobe and would even start giving examples of her other hot friends..! I really don’t understand this concept of work and meetings, and not picking up phones, how long does it take to pick up the phone and say I am busy, of course we are not demented to understand. Work is always an excuse for them but never for us!!! If we call we are interrupting, if we don’t we don’t care anymore. If we feel nostalgic and we message we never get a message back.. We can’t help it if we are good debaters, and guys please grow up, you never have enough reasons for your actions, and you ought to answer some day or the other as running away is not a solution always!! We always remind you of your mistakes , that too the disgusting ones, normal ones we never even care, but still that always comes up as a new reason and we are declared psychos then !!! Wow guys, you can yell at a girl publicly and sumtimes even slap her but still she should never complain, no wonder gays are more successful because you guys always need a man to support your decisions. If we say or suggest something, we are always wrong, and if your best friend says the same, it is readily accepted..! Discussing your personal life with your bestest buddies is never a big deal “he is like my bro, I ought to tell him” but in case we tell them , we are sympathy mongers and are tagged as "drama queens"!! No matter what, still we have huge compassion and a lot of respect, still we want you to be a little more impassive and careful about using your language and actions because we believe that even if our love subsides, the respect you have earned of being the most important person in our lives should never fall!! GET A LYF GUYS..!
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 08:51:53 +0000

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