NOT MASKS BUT MIRRORS I was giving my legs all sorts of - TopicsExpress


NOT MASKS BUT MIRRORS I was giving my legs all sorts of promises, I was telling them that once they moved out of the cramped corner they would be free. Free to do as they please. The blood had drained out of them, they had been folded for too long. I looked on in the shadows and saw nothing, just the menacing characters that inanimate objects took on in the dark. The shirt on a hangar across the room looked like a headless being coming to get me. That was the least of my worries. Today was not the day for fear. “Ten, nine, eight, seven, “I counted in my head. Each breath was taken slowly, I could hear my heart thumping recklessly in my chest and I was scared it could be heard. I breathed again, this time to calm my heart. I was in his world. Dark, musky and silent. Every window had been boarded and barred. The door was metal and heavy and seemed to lead to a dark passage. I hadnt seen the sun in a long time, so long that the thought of breathing fresh air felt strange. The last time I saw the sun was the last time I saw red roses, green lawns and yellow walls, which was the outside world. Inside the yellow walls were boarded windows, dark passages, no electric appliances. From the outside nobody could tell the adorable yellow house was home to a nightmare, now I knew better. This dark world was his world, his world had slowly become my world. My cheeks were stained with tears but my tear ducts where swollen, there wasnt going to be anymore crying. My stomach was growling from time to time, I was starving. The torture had been going on for a long time, I don’t know how long. The battery on my phone was flat, and he had taken my watch. He didnt say a word to me. He just looked at me and smiled. In his eyes I saw that the person I knew wasnt there anymore. His eyes where black and they glinted in the darkness. There wasnt going to be any negotiations, whatever his plan was, it was going to happen. When he left my initial reaction was to scream, I screamed until my lungs hurt. I should have known the walls were sound proof. “Six, five, and four...” my heart was getting carried away, my already numb legs were cold but it was going to be over soon, I didnt mind. Today was the day I was to be set free either by escape or by death. People say all kinds of things about the devil, he is a liar, a thief, a killer. They see him in monsters and zombies. Ridiculous really. You want to meet the devil? Look into the eyes of betrayal. Feel the loss of trust. See everything you rely on turn against you indefinitely. Feel the Judas kiss and look into the eyes of your traitor and see the cold, hard darkness. Then you will have met the acquaintance of the devil. “..Three, two, one” It is time. The metal creeks and I hear footsteps, heavy footsteps. It is him. The room is dark and I don’t know where he will be coming from but I know he is coming. I told myself there is no time for fear but my body betrays me, goose bumps erupt all over my body, the hair on the back of my neck raises. I want to scream. I cannot scream. My throat constricts and I cannot even speak. My stomach churns even more but this time it’s not hunger, its raw fear. Seconds pass, then a minute. I think he is gone but I’m not sure. Another minute passes and my mind is sure he is gone but my heart is still pounding so hard it is almost painful, I breathe. My legs are hurting and I stretch one out. The blood rushes back to it, it feels better. I stretch out the other one. Pure relief sets in. I don’t know where it comes from but it comes, hard, heavy and strong. The hand comes straight for my face and punches me, reaches for my hair and grabs me. Another hand grabs my arm to raise me from the floor and throws me against the wall. I hit the wall and my body starts to shiver. Pain. My nociceptors don’t know which pain to alert me of. Whether it’s the pain in my head, my back or the constant ache in my heart. The hands come for my neck, first in a soft soothing manner then with more pressure. I begin to gasp for air, the harder I try to breath the stronger the grip becomes. I smell him, he smells of sweat and the after shave I once found so intoxicating. I look at him and look into his eyes, they are possessed with rage, I see myself in his eyes. When we come face to face with monsters, we find ourselves looking not at masks but at mirrors. I close my eyes, I shouldnt have cheated.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 10:28:03 +0000

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