NOT ONLY IS OUR NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY (NSA) CONDUCTING ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES, BUT IT IS NOT SECURE; IT HIRES PERSONS WHO CAN TAP OUR PHONE CALLS AND DO MORE HARM: Whereas as President Obama said last week that no one is actually listening in on your phone calls, Edward Snowden, the self-educated 29 year old independent contractor whistleblower who had been working for the NSA for only few months says in his video below, beginning at the 3:30 minute mark, that he had the power to eavesdrop on any one of us and could have brought down the entire electronic apparatus of the NSA. There are 500,000 independent contractors working for the NSA, all with Confidential to Top Secret clearances. (See lead story in the Huffington Post today, June 11, 2013). A terrorist could insinuate himself or herself into this mass array of people and possibly tap into the secrets of the U.S. Government. We know our secrets can be tapped into, because the Chinese have done it. Notwithstanding the fact that NSA is vacuuming up everything we do and say on the internet and collecting a record of every phone call we make, foreign or domestic, it did not protect us from the Boston Bombers, the underwear bomber or the Times Square would-be bomber, whose plan was averted by an alert street vendor. This begs the question: Are you willing to expose all of your life -- that which is both open and secret -- to the NSA which did nothing to protect us from the terrorist attacks noted above, when Congress itself in 50 U.S. Code Sec. 1881 expressly limited the NSA’s activities to spying on foreigners and not on citizens of this country or persons living in this country. In vacuuming up everything we do and say on the internet and collecting a record of every phone call we make, both foreign or domestic, the NSA is conducting illegal covert activities against persons living in this country, conduct that was expressly prohibited by the elected representatives of the citizens of this country in 50 U.S. Code Sec. 1881. Illegal conduct on the part of government – that is the real price we as citizens pay when our government is allowed to act in secret in any respect. It develops a “constitution be damned” attitude. Surely, this is an attitude that both the Left and Right can unite against. youtube/watch?v=5yB3n9fu-rM
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 11:32:49 +0000

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