NOT REALLY THE NEWS GLOVERSDAM RESIDENTS UP IN ARMS FORMER STEWARDESS GANG GETS TOEHOLD IN GENTEEL NEIGHBORHOOD Rays of sunlight split the morning clouds. The sweet sound of morning doves cooing and songbirds lifting their voices welcoming a new day on the banks of the Crowhawk River helped a gentle awakening. Then just as sleepy eyes began to let in the morning light a low rumble started ... louder and louder a shrill whistling sound split the morning. The rumble became a roar, the whistle a scream. The earth trembled. Coffee seemed to jump out of quivering cups,dishes danced off shelves and shattered on the floor. Windows rattled so violently in their frames some just exploded sending shards flying every which way. Then as suddenly as it started the noise, the earth shaking vibrations and the shrieking began to withdraw and soon it was gone. The cacophony was replaced by the sound of laughter and loud music, mostly instrumentals and cover versions could be heard coming from the house at the end of Jimmy Street. A resident that asked to speak anonymously. Its been this way since those people moved in. They told us they were opening a retirement home. We never expected this. Another passer-by offered this, It used to be quiet around here but when those people came it all changed. Every morning they fire up that damn jet engine! Look at my little doggie, Snotzie, he is still shaking, well, like a dog shittin razorblades The cause of the upset was a three story residence that had been converted to become the headquarters of the Quarter Mile Highers, a gang of retired Airline Stewards and Stewardesses. The president of the organization, Darlene Hatezenburglar agreed to a Q&A. NRTN: What is your club all about ? DH: First it is not a club this is a gang. We are not going to lie about it. We are lean, and mean, and I want to be queen! NRTN: There have been numerous reports that you have converted a room into a snack bar. And reports that members are able to purchase packages of peanuts and cashews although they are clearly labelled not for resale, and then there is the matter of the sale of those little bottles of liquor. DH: We dont sell them they are available free. Members are making donations all the time NRTN: A related question if you will. Did you get building permits and a Liquor License? DH: I dont need permits or licenses while Ive got these! (She held up a pair of clenched fists). That nonsense is for other people. NRTN: People a scared they... DH: I have to stop you there, we are headed out of here we have a rumble with some retired baggage handlers scheduled and you know how we airline people are about staying on schedule. Basically all I can say is this we dont need rules, we dont need anybodys guff. There was a day when pilots would slap us on the butt and move on. Well our butts are bigger now and believe me NO BODY wants to slap them!
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 16:20:21 +0000

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