NOT THE LIBERAL MEDIA, BUT THE VOICE OF CONSERVATIVE CANADA Over the past two weeks, cabinet ministers Leona Aglukkaq and Julian Fantino have revealed themselves to be arrogant, condescending and utterly lacking in empathy as they have mismanaged critical issues related to their own ridings and/or portfolios. The above adjectives are perfectly symbolized by the damning image of Aglukkaq, the MP for Nunavut, sitting in the House of Commons reading a newspaper and showing no concern when questioned about the high food prices in remote northern regions. A just-released documentary by the Aboriginal Peoples’ Television Network criticizes Nutrition North, the federal government’s food subsidy program for those living in the far North. But, far worse than any talk of government programs that aren’t working, are the documentary’s stark images of Rankin Inlet residents scavenging through the local landfill in search of food. We expect to see such poverty in documentaries about Haiti or the impoverished nations of Africa. But I can’t recall ever before seeing such activity in a wealthy, progressive western nation like Canada. It simply isn’t acceptable. The people eating garbage are constituents in Aglukkaq’s riding. Yet she, their elected representative, couldn’t be bothered to stand up for them and their unique needs. This is the epitome of the kind of arrogance and privilege that comes with having too much power for far too long. She was obviously taken to task for her actions, since she participated in a discussion on Tuesday and even issued an apology on Wednesday. But it is all too late; she cannot possibly overcome the overwhelming perception that she has lost touch with her own people, lacks empathy for them and is unwilling to rise to her feet to fight for their basic needs. calgaryherald/opinion/columnists/martinuk-harper-cabinet-stricken-by-arrogance
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 22:14:22 +0000

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