NOT U.S. government entities: The Federal Reserve Bank (Look - TopicsExpress


NOT U.S. government entities: The Federal Reserve Bank (Look at the notes in your wallet) The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) The International Monetary Fund (IMF) When you pay income taxes, where does that money go? Beyond the IRS, I mean. Do you know? No, probably not. Let me help you: it all goes to the IMF, who then channels it to its proper recipients, one of which is the crown (yes, the royalty of England). Think Im full of it? Look it up. In the REAL America, WE--every one of us--are the sovereigns. We have no king because we are all kings. However, we have not been living in the real America for over 100 years. We have been enslaved in the very country that so many died to setup and keep intact. As a REPUBLIC--which America was created as, NOT a democracy--no direct income taxes were to be collected on an individuals wages. This is illegal by the law of America. What happened? The same thing that has been happening in the world for thousands of years: the ones who control the money changed the policies--and they continue to change them. You actually think that our elected officials dont know this? You think they actually fight for our best interests? The majority of politicians and lawyers know exactly whats going on in America and only a few speak out, but they are ignored by the controlled media and written off by the masses who are too busy with sports and movies to care. Those with a real chance to do something--like JFK--are promptly silenced when they are on the cusp of rolling us back to what we once were. America used to be a great country a long time ago, but around her 100th birthday, she fell to the evil powers because her protectors werent vigilant. Today, she finds herself deliberately prepped for not only a financial crash but a planned, extreme seizure of absolute power by those who would subjugate not only her, but the world. Does there come a time when it is too late to begin to care? Is this sad country relegated to the complete enslavement of the police state? Time will tell, but that time is fast approaching.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Oct 2013 20:23:08 +0000

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