NOTE. 09-01-14. The State of the World and Obamas True - TopicsExpress


NOTE. 09-01-14. The State of the World and Obamas True Intentions. A tale of Dogs, Ochs, a Bear and wild Camels [[Once upon a time there was a Kenyan Basenji and his friends, an English Yorkshire Terrier, a French Poddle, a German Rothweiler and they all were barking at a big bad Russian Bear who had been provoked by Ukrainian Ochs, ignoring the wild Camels on the horizon.]] Well, after all Putin may have been on the right side of the Middle-East equation in supporting Assad in Syria who once said, the latter, and correctly, that he was fighting Islamic extremists in his own land. Facts on the ground have proved that both Putin and Assad were right. Its either Assad or the Jihadists. Whether we like it or not. And this is creating a conundrum for Obama and the Europeans because of the Ukraine-Crimea affair. On that front, Putin is the ennemy and yet he could be a formidable ally in the Middle East against ISIS-ISAL. We cant always choose or allies, especially int the Middle-East. Obamas grand standing over the Ukraine put the US in a corner. How can an alliance with Putin in the global fight against Islam and the Jihadists be possible when weve declared the Russians ennemies? And Putins radicalization over Ukraine is the result of the idiotic policy of supporting de facto the so-called Ukrainian Revolution, a revolution perpetrated by extreme right wing nationalist and neo-Nazi Ukrainian groups. These groups were behind the revolt and were actually on the front line and on the barricades, occupying official buildings covered with Swastikas and other neo-Nazi paraphernelia. It was so evident, except for a couple of European news outlets, and no one in the Western liberal press looked at the nationalist xenophobic under-lining of the Ukrainian Revolution. They all preferred to ignore it. The Ukrainian Ochs antagonized the Russian Bear. Bad idea! Obama the Kenyan Basenji, following Cameron the Yorkshire Terrier, Hollande the French poodle (theyre supposed to be smart dogs?) choose the wrong side of the conflict. Theyve lost the potential much needed strong ally in Putin against Islam. Why do you thing Angela the Rothweiler has been so reluctant at comdemning Putin? After all she knows him and is fluent in Russian and Vlad speaks Deutsch Sehr Gut! Both came from East-Germany. Lets not forget that the Russian are facing very serious problems with their Muslim minorities, not so much minority in some parts of the Russian Empire. And Vlad the Invader is known for his strong arm tactics with them: an asset in the fight in this war of civilization. His annexation of Crimea may very well be a strategic move to solidify his southern borders against the growth of expansionistic Islam. Nobodys looked at that possiblity! Obama and the West have blown an opportunity to build a strong coalition with an an important player on the global scene. From passivity and inaction, to grand standing and blowing smoke (and not the cool kind that Willie likes), Obama once again is not even leading from behind, but tagging along behind Merkel, Cameron and Holland just like he did in Libya. After humiliating America in front of the entire Muslim world (and the rest of the world) with his Cairo speech, bowing in symbolic submission to the King of Saudi Arabia, Obama has taken the low road in world diplomacy, weakened our military, and put us in an impossible position in the world. One wonders if this was intentional on the part of Obama (is he really the Mandchurian candidate?) to weaken and humiliate America, or just simply the results of his inexperience and academic naivety combined with his intellectual arrogance and anti-colonialist ideology that he inherited from his father, a lawyer for the Mau-Maus and NJomo Kenyatta of Kenya. May I remind you that he Mau-Maus fought the British in Kenya in most cruel ways that included cutting the tendons of the rear legs of cattle leaving them at the mercy of predators and massacring entire families of white farmers with the legendary machetes, the preferred tool of death in Africa (re: Rwanda and the Tutsi genocide). His background and upbringing, including his ideological formation define the man. Never a supporter of his, I have grown more and more suspicious. The first sign was when he had the bust of Churchill removed from the Oval Office, than his Chamberlainesque speech of abdication in Cairo to his policy of laissez-faire with the Jihadists (except for the Bin Laden moment, or was that a cover-up to intentionnally open the doors for ISIS-ISAL? Thats a far fetched conspiracy theory. Maybe just an non-anticipated consequence of the oblieration of the Al Qaeda leadership?). One wonders what is really going on in the mans mind? No man with so much power should be sending so many mixed and confused messages and show so much confusion in his policy, unless it is deliberate. And maybe it is?. Not including the lack of a strategy by his own admission. Like it or not, G.W. Bush had a strategery! Not only has he been telegraphing all his intentions, with a very attentive ennemy, but of his own admission of the lack of strategy he has admitted that the US is impotent. Helpless, helpless says the song by Graham Nash... And by the way, the Basenji does not bark but yaps... Mr. President would you please practice what you preach, [transparency], and tell us what are your true intentions with our country?
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 19:56:43 +0000

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