NOTE: THE SECOND HALF PORTION to UKs GREEN PARTY LEADER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ms Natalie Bennett The Honourable Leadership The Green Party United Kingdom 14 January 2015 Re.: One of my draft letters on my application for visa extension or further leave to remain over human rights grounds was posted on 04 February 2014 to UK Border Agency, from where you can find a good number of statements linked to my “MICRO CHIP brain and outrageous techno tortures” case since July 2012 or for the last 31 months. Dear Natalie, 1) I have pasted you “the following letter of mine to UK Border Agency” so that you can note my all Royal Mail’s delivery reference numbers to Home Office and letters for help to them since 2010. Can you please ask Home Secretary why Home Office didn’t try to answer my letters of serious concerns? I did receive some significant help via all emails from Home Office (Sheffield) from Dec 2011 to March 2012, and Ms Sarah (Customer Service Advisor) was my direct link in this regard who resolved a number of disputes with my sponsor (private college director or London East Bank College). Can you please demand a direct potential query under your leadership authority? 2) I attended in the classroom until the last week of March 2012 following my final exam started in April 2012 under Northumbria University. Considering my safety shields, I informed Ms Sarah (Home Office), my local MP Mr Stephen Timms, my university program leader Ms Joanne Clough electronically about my fatal disputes with my academic sponsor (LEBC) from every single time to time. I deferred “Public Law” module without losing any credit under “August exam-2012 sitting” which held on 14 August 2012 at Goldsmith College. I attended the exam on that day with a number of injury despite I was receiving all tremendous techno tortures through Secret Service Agencies’ radiations and my “MICRO CHIP sleeping brain” regardless day and night. As I was committed of myself, I passed the module of LLB and was awarded by the University (2:2) on 12 Sept 2012. 3) But the reality is that there was made a false fire alarm under dirty British politics in the middle of our writing on exam scripts. We, all students, noticed presence of a huge number of police force. We had to go out of the building for about 15 minutes without noticing any perfect reason but an extreme foul act by the police authority there motivated by dirty British politics. At that time, we lost the most central concentrations over answering on our exam scripts as we were tactically and ignorantly forced to come out without considering our actual values. The similar false fire alarms echoed in the race for many times in Oct/Nov-2012 in the University of Westminster during my presence and my uncompleted LPC (Legal Practice Course) studies there. We, all students of the building, from the concentrating classrooms were tactically and brutally forced to come on the street by the police. A number of university’s staff members consisting of lecturers and professors were involved politically with the divided police force. Can you please ask the Honourable Home Secretary, Ms Theresa May, to resign immediately because of her overall failure in most of the responsible issues over her? Can you also please urgently list all those involved police officers irrespective of their ranks in order to force the recognised Commissioners to have resigned? Law must be equal for Police too. Police played enough dirty under motivation of dirty British politics as they made a good number of innocent people victims since July 2012, where the chain of command among police is still shockingly broken. 4) I may be a foreigner but voted lawfully here since 2010. I do hope to cast my valuable vote to a genuine one on 07 May 2015 too. And, through my MICRO CHIP brain and techno tortures case, I, at least, recognised how much disguised the two big British Political Parties are. Can you ask the neglected British People to make them aware of these concealed issues? From my end, I do sincerely urge them to recognize the disguised one following all serious matters revealed of my case in my “Facebook and Twitter accounts”, which have been the most curious, milestone and expensive case of the latest secret techno world in the dirty political arena. Please do read my posts posted in the f/b in order to help me and your nation. Please do remember that my Facebook accounts are being blocked one after another by their plotted authority as soon as my revealed contents go against them. I, therefore, ask everyone to save my posts and revealed matters into your own file. Thank you very much, Sincerely yours, Rezaul Huda---------------------------- London -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51. After that in February 2012, I heard from the classmates in East Bank that its staff member Ms Aiste Skeivyte was convinced by East Bank to be discontinued from her job for some days. Ms Aiste was actually disappeared from admin just a couple of days after I emailed UKBA about her email to me asking to bring my visa for the office record and to comply with UKBA rules despite I ensured East Bank prior for several times that I received no information over my application by then from UKBA. The actual matter by Ms Aiste was that I was in the class room with the tutor at the time of her above emailing to me. In my notion, she seemed simply to be innocent who was used to perform a dirty plan either by Mr Barua or Mr Suhash Roy and/or Mr Bulbul. 52. I was in East Bank until 13 April 2012 following Northumbrias final year exam schedule between 23 April and 02 May 2012 at Goldsmith College (University of London). But it is to be noted boldly for you that East Bank emailed LLB students on 18 March 2012 at late night to sit for 2 mock exams on 20 March 2012 which I actually received on 19 March 2012. East Bank instantly decided to arrange mock exams for keeping LLB students busy only on the said UKBA inspection date. Considering UKBA’s inspection and strong text to students by the college, I noticed the presence of majority students into exam hall but 90% of the participants gave blank scripts like me and others just copied from text books by taking Mr Ronys consent. In addition, the questions in the mock were as London University styled, not Northumbria one in terms of my case. But students were asking staff members and one another in the college about UKBA team why they did not come for inspection within their schedule. UKBA rather came on another day and stayed from 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. I found 03 (three) UKBA staff sitting in our class room without students. I asked admin staff about law classes which were supposed to be held at 10:00 a.m. He replied then that all law students were emailed by the tutor in the morning about law classes’ cancellation on that day due to tutors sickness. The regret for me was that such email confirmation regarding class cancellation was sent by them even except me like other days. I did very well understand by then that law classes were suspended by one from the college just after UKBA’s presence and tutor was called not to come on that day. I, therefore, left the college premise but emailed Mr Stephen informing the situation from the nearest internet café. I forwarded this email to Ms Joanne Clough too to make her aware of this situation. I also wrote Immigration Enquiry Bureau on 21 March 2012 (ZW916500216GB) about East Banks mistreatment in terms of me. 53. In April 2012, following ISI (Independent Schools Inspectorate) inspection on East Banks HTS (Highly Trusted Status) application, the college totally changed its premises by cleaning floor, wall, notice board, new wiring, opening a locked toilet, arranging new furniture, hiring staff for few weeks, bringing students by agents etcetera to attract ISI team. This is to note for you that law students were emailed ISI report by East Bank after I left East Bank. But East Bank could not eventually gain its HTS application due to any negative report recorded by UKBA during their visit in March 2012. I, therefore, assume that East Bank authority might have suspected my past roles with UKBA due to their failure to win HTS. Moreover, I did not share my classmates about my communications with UKBA, university program leader and Mr Stephen MP, but most of my classmates and tutors heard it when Mr Barua asked me about it in the canteen in front of principal and other directors during a short break. I did suspect Mr Zifran Khaled (Mob: 07515119054) in this connection who was simply eating food with 4/5 classmates inclusive me at a table but went outside the canteen suddenly for a short while. Mr Khaled might have called Mr Barua to ask me in front of all who were sitting with others at the opposite end in the canteen. After I left East Bank at the end of ISI inspection, I heard that Mr Dalton Talukder (07961932807) was appointed by Mr Barua in order to tackle numerous pressures by victimized students. Mr Talukder is a Awami lawyers leader in UK who employed in East Bank to tackle pressures from victims until East Bank was suspended by UKBA. 54. Solicitor Mr Kazi Shamsul Hassan (Shuvo) (Mob: 07872971260) and Solicitor Mr Saikat Acharjee (Mob: 07533307219) were very intimate LLB fellows of mine at East Bank. We would mostly sit together in the class and go outside during lunch hour either to lunch or eat something. But in Oct/Nov/Dec 2012, the attitude of Mr Shuvo with me at Hafiz & Haque Solicitors (18 Cavell Street, London E1 2HP) was suspicious for any unidentified reason during my personal visits with my LPC referee Solicitor Mr Muhammad Ashraful Islam (Mob:07590488306)and Solicitor Mr Mohammed Shahid (Mob:07957201682/07538101949). Mr Shuvos whispering behaviour with 02 fellow Solicitors in my presence compelled me then to consider was that he was misguided about me by someone after I left East bank on 15 April 2012. I then made more visits at this firm in different times till to date considering having a very close intimation from Principal Solicitor Mr M. N. Haque to rest others. Mr Shuvo became friendly with me again during one of my visits to Mr Ashraful in 2013, and it was when I particularly introduced Bangladeshi Solicitors present there over my mobile with my former Bangladeshi local MP & former Bangladeshi prime minister Mr Kazi Zafar Ahmed (0088-01819039353) [at present, the chair of Jatiya Party (Zafar)]. I noticed Mr Shuvo spoke long among all Solicitors with the former prime minister. But I heard later that Mr Shuvo left UK permanently to settle in Bangladesh. 55. I visited Mr Showgatul Khan (07919890595, 07556597336) in July/August 2013 at an OISC registered firm at HSBC building near East London Mosque in Whitechapel and found Solicitor Mr Saikat Acharjee (Mob: 07533307219) working there. I noticed Mr Acharjee went out as soon as I sat inside to speak to Mr Khan, but he came back around an hour later along with Mr Arif (07540359510) who was my LPC fellow at Westminster University. I then left their office soon after I realized something odd. 56. On 23/02/2012, I got admitted for my student membership (No.:2012220) at The Honourable Society of Lincolns Inn in order to continue BPTC (Bar Professional Training Course). This is to let you know that 02 of my referees in my application made on 04/01/2012 to Lincolns Inn were first Ms Joanne Clough (program leader, Northumbria University) and Muhammad Ashraful Islam (Solicitor). But Mrs June Gascoine (Assistant Students Administrator) from Lincolns Inn asked me to alter Ms Joanne Clough due to my distance learning studies in London. I,therefore, got my further reference from my yr-1 law tutor Barrister M M Rahman. Before this and during my stay at 6A Manor Park Rd.(London E12 5AT), I made another application in February 2011 for student membership to the Honorable Society of Grays Inn with the references from Ms Joanne Clough and the practice nurse Ms Pratibha Gajjar from East End medical center (61 Plashet Rd., London E13 0QA). But I was then asked from Grays Inn to complete more modules of my studies. And, I have addressed these information here is because I received unexpected call and emails on 22/08/2012 from Ms Rupa Bhadresa at Grays Inn to complete paper works towards my existing student membership with them. Subsequently, I got the same advice from Lincolns Inn to cancel my membership after I got admitted in LPC at Westminster, but I boldly confirmed in writing to Ms June Gascoine about my current BPTC application and my future intentions in this regard. 57. On 12/01/2012, I made my first BPTC application (No.:34299) and two of my referees were Ms Joanne Clough (Northumbria program leader) and yr-1 law tutor Barrister Tariq Bin Aziz (07425014394). On 06/03/2012, I emailed BSB (Bar Standard Board), Lincoln’s Inn and Ms Joanne Clough about my suspicion over any false complaints against me to them that affected my above BPTC application in its selection procedure. I received replies from 03 of them where Isobel Mostyn (Education Officer- Admissions and Examinations) from BSB advised me to contact directly with the providers. Lincolns Inn told that there was no record of any complaints against me while Ms Joanne quoted the same, I cannot find out whether anyone made an allegation against you. I do not deal with BPTC applications so if you want to make an enquiry in that regard, you should contact the BPTC admission team. Receiving advice from them, I emailed all of BPTC providers in this regard but received reply as a feedback from 01 provider only. 58. (BPTC admissions tutor at Northumbria). I had email exchanges with Ms Ross on 12 and 13/03/2012 in relation to my BPTC admission there who advised me to wait until the next clearing round opening to providers on 16/04/2012. I, therefore, left my communications to Ms Ross until then, and emphasized to concentrate myself to a first class draft over my final yr project (Criminal Evidence). I had every day single or multiple electronic communications with my project supervisor who was Ms Joanne Clough (program leader), and obviously the first marker. I quote from her email to me on 19/04/2012, please find attached comments on your latest draft and your research trail. In an ideal world, I would like to see this again to be sure that you have taken on board my comments but I do not think that will be possible now. Please note that while I understand that you are aiming for a first class mark and I have been giving you feedback to get you there, I cannot guarantee that you will get that mark. Keep pushing on through and hopefully you will get there. This draft is much better that the last one but it still needs some work. On 26 April 2012, she quoted with a lot of tips for a first class mark and 02 lines from those were, “There are a few others bits and bobs in the comments attached. I can’t say where precisely to cut words as that is matter for you. If I am heavily involved in editing, then you start to lose marks for having too much supervision. I have therefore left that up to you however I have made some suggestions”. The above quote was made by her from my email on 24 April 2012 where I stated, “I decided to send you now my latest full project through this email. But this one is without bibliography and trail. Total word count is 6687 as I plan to bring it below 6500 after you check”. I also quoted, “I do believe that you will be happy to me this time as I invested much labour to bring it into the exact demand of an upper first class mark. How the second marker will be agreed to award me that mark if my supervisor as the first marker is confused over the success of my research? I have printed an online sample of bibliography that holds an upper first class and will follow Anna’s sample for research trail that she provided us for property-2 course work. So, it will not take time to send you these two as I completed earlier. Now, I have to re-arrange everything properly before I go to the shop for binding. I will be feeling comfortable while I can hand it out for your official receipt”. 59. On 04 April 2012, Ms Joanne Clough emailed me quoting, “I have had a look through your project and it will need some work to bring it to the required standard. Firstly, you have clearly undertaken a lot of research and I feel that for the most part, you have got your head around the law which is the great. However, your structure really needs work as you jump from place to place. I cannot follow my logical structure in your chapters as they all contain analysis yet you claim only the last chapter is the analysis.” She further quoted, “my suggested structure contains a chapter on special measures-if you do not want to look at special measures then you come back to me and we will re-work the structure. I have also suggested that you remove anonymity as this is only briefly touched upon and therefor adds nothing to the project. When you re-work the project, use this information you have already so read through your existing chapters and work out which paragraphs can be used for the new chapters”. In a short paragraph in the same email, she quoted, “this probably feels like a tall order but you have time to get this right. The research is mainly done; it’s now a case of presenting your knowledge appropriately”. 60. I forwarded and posted my draft on criminal evidence and similarly the assignment on property-2 to the university before their respective deadlines. But it is to let you know that I received a post of a first class awarded sample on criminal law module on request from Ms Joanne Clough soon after I began initial consultation for my project detail with her. I still hold all of my rough drafts with me as I had to alter all chapters again and again according to her comments on chapter based. To achieve her instant comments, I posted my initial printed drafts and research trail by a special delivery to Ms Clough but she fully changed it by providing me all new chapters following an obtainable first class mark. I always would write her about such expectations starting the module registration. I would like to crucially add here that I would go in my next chapter when she would comment my finished chapter as a first class standard one. I had more than hundred separate feedbacks with comments on my work following more than draft related 100 emails or attachments until I officially submitted my work. Most of my project relevant evidences from September 2011 to May 2012 must be at [email protected] [email protected]. Some chapters which I sent via my yahoo email due to Northumbria web access problem are still with me at [email protected]. Besides, I still hold a huge printed bundle of around 3,000 rough draft pages of mine on different dates which are absolutely this project title related. This was because I got each day time to change my draft style as my own one to be a first class standard, and finally obtained 66 marks which were 04 marks short from a first class target. And, I lodged my property-2 assignment too in the same procedure of research despite my work was predominantly from relevant text books search considering problem questions and obtained 81. Following my project marks and considering all of my final satisfactory feedbacks made by Ms Clough, I emailed her to know the name of the second marker over my project-2 mark dissatisfaction. 61. On15/06/2012,I emailed my concerns at [email protected] from [email protected] at 15:26. I reported UKBA all the suspicious symptoms which I was receiving through my mobile likely from 03 of my past college directors. They would sometimes use my known or fellow one or junior law students who continued their some module classes with us. In my email to UKBA on 15/06/2012, I also informed them the reason of my mobile change (from 07984773777 to 07415362677) which was recorded with UKBA in terms of my all communications. 62. The above email to UKBA on 15/06/2012 was sent just after I emailed Ms Joanne Clough at 9:21 a.m. to forward my attachment for Northumbria-BPTC admissions team in relation to the relevant email made by Ms Ross to me on 13 March 2012 over my BPTC application. It was simply after the next opening round for BPTC applications to providers or 16/04/2012. The deadline of BPTC application processing was 31/08/2012 and I was keenly ready too to update my final year result to BSB or to providers directly. This is to let you know here that I received an advice electronically from the program leader (Ms Joanna Clough) during my final yr study period in relation to my last module (Public Law) deferral from May exam sitting-2012 to August exam sitting2012, and I was approved my deferral application for August exam sitting-2012 which was held on 14/08/2012 at Goldsmith College (University of London). 63. Following my email to Ms Clough at 09:21 a.m. on 15/06/2012, she asked me in her reply at 09:38 a.m. whether my attachment to her was for Ms Ross Fletcher or not. In my instant reply to forward to the right person, she then forwarded me the email address of Mr Kevin Crawley (Deputy Programme Leader-BPTC (full time). At 10:15 a.m. on the same day, Mr Kevin emailed me confirming that my email was sent to the admissions tutor. This is to note for you that I read news in Bengali online newspaper about Mr Kevin’s visit in July 2012 to Mr Khlalid Mahmud Chowdhury’s private college at Dhaka which was just after I strongly spoke with Ms Linda Gallant over phone about all illegitimate matters so far caused by Northumbria. And, Mr Kevin’s tour was simply after Ms Joanna Clough visited Mr Chowdhury’s college in January 2012 while I was forwarding her East Bank related my continuous communications with UKBA and Mr Stephen. 64. Following my above email to UKBA on 15/06/2012, I informed Ms Clough by email on 20/06/2012 at 13:14 detailing my suspicion. I quoted, “Please remember that my present college earlier tried its all levels best in order to withdraw its sponsorship that it gave me but failed due to my vigilance to UKBA who put a safety shield just before me, I suppose. I do also believe that my School of Law will not mistake at all to protect my legitimate right. It must carefully consider all the sides before handling any complaint from a person; it may think a potential one. I can say only that all defeated Bengali directors are working against me to put troubles on my present career way and they involved many of friends who do not know me directly. It is very interesting to me when I see many people know me recently”. In her reply within less than an hour or at 14:05, she replied “Thank you Huda-I’ll bear this in mind”. 65. Observing no reply from Mr Kevin’s email for me to the BPTC admissions tutor, I communicated with Ms Clough and she then quoted on 26/06/2012 at 11:08, “the system does not work in the way you describe. Your application is judged on its own merit and not on my say so and it is most definitely not refused on the basis of people who you say are conspiring against you. This sort of corruption simply does not happen here and therefore I think you are troubling yourself over things that are not true”. She further quoted, “your issues outside of the university are not relevant to your application and will not be taken into account”. Her last quote in the same email was, “I’m sorry that I cannot assist and I would appreciate if you would refrain from sending me any further emails about this”. 66. Receiving such disappointed reply from her and realizing my next visa situation in UK, I instantly emailed LPC-CABS team on 28/06/2012 at 12:26 to brief them my result situation whether I could still obtain student membership from SRA (Solicitors Regulation Authority) and commence LPC in September 2012. The CABS team (POB: 84, Guildford, Surrey GU3 1YX) quoted in their reply at 15:52 on the same day, “If your results are not going to be available until October, then that may be too late for you to start the course in September 2012”. But I emailed back to Ms Joanne Clough at 17:05 on 28/06/2012 after I read CABS reply and considering my further reference for LPC from her as my university tutor. My quote to her on 28/06/2012 was, “I am very sorry for my last email as I felt very upset then. I, however, will be back very shortly after I do everything”. 67. In the next day or on 29/06/2012, my results of project and property-2 were not available with other students for which I drew attention for this situation to Ms Joanne Clough. Her first reply at 13:21 among a lot on 29/06/2012 was, “your results will be shortly after 12th September as this is when the re-sit exam board is sitting”. Her reply at 16:46 from many others was, “I do not hold records of every student’s results. The admin team gave that information and they will be able to address your query”. In one sitting like online chatting, I replied then at 16:47, “I want your exact explanation by Monday. And, I need the obtained marks too”. At 16:58, I quoted, “I clearly suspect your role as well”, and at 17:30 I further quoted her, “Do you think I should add my present situation to the local police station where I earlier sent a bundle of Holbrook College problem to them in 2011? They recorded it but advised me later to send you my problem details and alternatively to seek help of a lawyer. Please advise me in this situation as many calls came unexpectedly and I traced most of them. This is greatly suspicious to me as one of the issues with my result. I think they know something in regard to my result”. Following the above replies from Ms Joanne Clough, I simply emailed at 17:13 to Ms Linda Gallant (Assistant Administrator) to take my email as a very urgent one and to let me know the reason why I missed to obtain my 02 modules results with fellows. 68. In her reply on 02 July 2012 at 08:37, Ms Linda quoted, “your name will not appear on a pass list as you have deferred a module until August 2012. The information on e-learning portal advises that you will receive your e-mailed results as soon as possible after 29th June 2012. We are currently in the process of sending out e-mailed results and you will hopefully receive these by the end of today”. From this time, I noticed that all of their electronic communications with me were being attached with other staff members named ‘Helen Foggo’, ‘Amelia Lowery’ and others. At 09:55, I replied Linda at her own email and school’s email ([email protected]), “I cannot accept the project module marks at all that I have been shown. The reason is that the mark is far lower from my expected one and I expect reasonably a very good mark of it. There are very potential reasons involved with my claim”. I also quoted in the same email, “Recently, I lost my full confidence to my project supervisor who is our program leader and decided not to contact her in any way as things on multiple issues were just going against me, I am afraid for my honest straightforwardness. I, therefore, will wait for school office’s immediate decision over the project marks shown until I go further with our university’s legal procedure that I am holding at the moment. Please let me know over the marks issue raised as soon as practicable”. 69. On 04 July 2012 at 21:24, I emailed Mr Stephen Timms MP and quoted, “Please note that I connected UKBA in my face book interests’ option last night at around 1 or 2 p.m. after I found it in the feed link. I commented directly on many UKBA linked options last night and shared one in my f/b timeline. I do suspect that someone potential from my university notified UKBA yesterday this situation after I started to complain. This is because Northumbria school f/book a/c is in my friend list which has been monitoring my details from time to time basis. I suppose that Bengali agent and some students over there are misguiding them to notify against me to UKBA. They are acting on behalf of Bengali directors whose college is suspended. This situation I feel after I started to challenge my mark on Monday”. I further added in the same email to him, “Some symptoms make me to think that UKBA started to doubt me as they might be having complaints from a potential one from my university. Can you please write briefly to UKBA by tomorrow that I have just challenged my mark legitimately? The authority may be wrongly afraid about their O/L which is not legally alright to continue particularly in London without any accredited institute”. My last quote in the same email was, “You helped me in this specific issue since 2011 and I need my protection first from a false vulnerability. I am worried as I am an international student and all of them are together trying to deport me”. 70. On 03 July 2012, I emailed to Linda and addressed here some of my quotes, “I am a little bit confused to be sure where I actually should contact for it either at open learning or full time undergraduate section. I see Dawn Cox is from full time undergraduate to whom I replied over his email query. How many days should I wait for your School reply? Can I simply lodge my appeal application with all of my evidences to the VC as the next alternative procedure? Please let me know it by today as I am running out my time to update some providers of my BPTC application-2012. Please do NOT destroy my career as it may be a dangerous issue for my career as well as negative for you”. In the same email, I added, “Please note my following concerns carefully and boldly that I hold still my studentship which is not protected by your O/L unit at all as all private and confidential information what I shared or sharing for my own protections only are disclosing very fast to the London based law tutors/Bengali directors of private colleges/former BPTC holders or friends/classmates/students over there. I simply guess your international business partner first whom I saw sometimes in our open learning tutors list as well as some senior member staffs may have communications for it , I am afraid”. I further quoted in a different paragraph, “Please it is also to be noted that I think I sent my five times researched project answers to the programme leader. That means I completed my project for 05 times from top to bottom and its evidences are clearly with the programme leader too. I posted first the full project order to comment on it via a special delivery and I am holding its receipt as evidence. Later, I accepted her 04 times suggested structures as every time she changed/ increased/ approached the newly better focused one following my target that I told her for many times before. She also checked and commented at every line by line with all of her scrutiny and before my main research starting, I received a first class awarded sample of criminal law from her. I thank her for that. I think these hints will suffice to go further on my project related issue. More relevance may be added when I require to draft. I was quite sure about gaining my expected mark as I completed finally with her all satisfactions for which I have never asked her further about it during our many more communications. Hence, it will be challenged at each stage now whoever wants to destroy my career by associating with above mentioned Bengali people, I am afraid as I suspect clearly such a shadow. Linda, please forward it to the person relevant if you deem it is required”. 71. In a reply on 04 July 2012 at 08:58, Linda quoted, “Sorry that I missed you when you called yesterday. As you will now be busy preparing for your forthcoming Public Law examination which you will sit in August 2012, according to your current profile of marks to date you will be in line to achieve a 2:2 classification on successful completion of your Public Law examination and you will be able to graduate in December 2012. This would enable you to apply for a BPTC on the basis of this award. I would like to wish you every success with your forthcoming Public Law examination”. I noted that she added her above reply to me with “Helen Foggo, Amelia Lowery and Dawn Cox”. Following Linda’s above email, I replied her at 11:13 quoting, “I also know that I can update now with BPTC providers by having a transcript from you. But I cannot accept programme leaders roles which is totally suspicious. I suspect her whether she really was the first marker and faded myself to staff members and honourable university tutors about my circumstances that I shared her thinking my university protector. Did I ever say to MP/UKBA or her against School of law except this time? I see she was worried about me and shared all of my ugly circumstances to all from time to time. I suspect the second marker too whether either he was your international business partner or someone else who deliberately put this mark”. 72. On 04 July 2012 at 19:09, I emailed Mr Stephen MP stating, “Please record the following as I may write to the honourable opposition leader in the parliament Ed Miliband as well as Home Secretary through you. At the same time, I decided to make formal appeal to the VC of my university against the academic irregularities in the conduct of assessment. My primary complaint is investigating now by seniors of the School and my next steps will depend upon their decision”. In the same email I quoted him, “My BPTC application in Northumbria Full time as well as BPTC associating with LLM both have been rejected by the misguidance of my programme leader as soon as she found that I got an extra ordinary marks in Equity & Trust (Property-2). And, that Bengali agent who provides students for O/L & BPTC unit persuaded her to perform the contract, I suspect. It is very shameful for me that some other BPTC providers still kept my application under processing as I requested them by emails. I also suppose that the Bengali people advised my programme leader all the times to continue such dramatic performance with me who passed later everything to them”. 73. Afterward, I had conversations via emails and over phone with other senior member of staffs from full time undergraduate section but I was persistent for an investigation to know how my numbers were disclosed to the third party and the second marker. I told Linda over phone that I would like to write to the honourable prime minister, the leader of the opposition, the home secretary, university minister through my local MP or myself. At the end of 23 July 2012, I was then informed the second marker’s name where two markers agreed on the mark they awarded me but I did not trust it as there was no such proof. However, I finally concentrated to my LPC admission as I received my student membership number (00743147) from SRA on 16/07/2012. 74. But on 15 July 2012, I was having trouble with my f/b accounts, and presumed that such accounts were being compromised soon after I put my on-going issues electronically and verbally to Northumbria School. I communicated with f/b authority who confirmed me that my concerned email account might be compromised. And, I asked a staff member (Call ref. F3540307) whether one from Northumbria IT could be able to access my f/b and email accounts. In a reply on 15 July 2012 by Andrew Mitchell following my problem description, he quoted, “It is possible for a very small number of Northumbria IT Staff to access your account however under the University Regulations and UK Law they would have to either have your permission to access the account or have an Interception Order which only the Vice Chancellors Office can authorise/issue. Interception Orders are only given for reasons such as a criminal investigation is taking place or its deemed that University Image/Business is affected”. After receiving the above reply from Andrew, I called on Northumbria IT number to know detail what type of a criminal investigation was going on. In a reply over phone, Mr David ensured me that he could not disclose in detail due to data protection Act but asked me whether I was expelled by then from the university or not. He also asked my college name in London and added then whether there was evidence for an investigation. I then requested him for many times to be more specific in this matter but he showed the excuse of the Act. I finally ignored David considering any probable roles by some of them I spoke to so far in terms of my mark and marker challenge, and they might have become angry to me due to my final speaking to write to the supreme political leaders as I could not establish any other points. 75. On 17 July 2012, I received offer for LPC studies from University of Westminster and confirmed my acceptance on 17/07/2012 at 17:46 and subsequently by post on 18/07/2012. Following my above confirmation with Mr Miles (program leader, LPC at Westminster) as well as several email communications for LPC admission, I was in dilemma and planned to travel once to ‘University of West England’ at Bristol for my existing BPTC application and based on their email communications with me. This was because I was struggling since February 2012 for my admission in BPTC, and BPTC was in my priority before I paid the whole course fees for LPC to Westminster. Considering my uncertain academic situations, I went at Westminster University campus on 23/07/2012 to meet Mr Miles Macleod with my small dragging suitcase. I really wanted to share some of my ugly situations considering him my new university protector. I could not locate the law faculty first as I knew only its main campus where I sat for IELTS tests in 2011. I spoke to Miles from the main campus using my mobile (07415362677) about my LPC confirmation, and told him my possibility to go to Bristol for my BPTC application but could not share him my sudden situations at home. In a reply, he advised me to pass my rest of the module (public law) and to attend with all required documentations on 03 September 2012 classes. I then confidently told him, “I will definitely pass on 14 August 2012’s last module and none can stop me”. On 23/07/2012, I wrote a letter (ZX153148505GB) updating my rough situations to Mr Stephen MP before I left the Westminster campus and posted it at the nearest post office (54-56 Great Portland St., London W1W 7NE). In his reply, Mr Stephen on 30/07/2012 quoted, “I would initially like to congratulate you on your acceptance to Westminster University for Legal Practice Course. I have taken note of your issues and am aware of your concerns with regards to the criminal investigation you believe is being carried out against you”. He further quoted, “please keep me updated, to notify me on whether there is any progress in the future”. 76. On 31 July 2012, my elder brother Mr Kamrul Huda faxed and wrote to “Immigration Enquiry Bureau” about the serious concerns with me at my flat. He wrote Mr Miles Macleod too declaring him as my financial sponsor and to transfer my course fee into the university a/c through Partner Company in UK. Mr Brother also faxed on the same day to Mr Stephen MP to let Stephen know about his satisfaction on Stephen’s roles over my critical issues. I note that my brother paid the whole fees by 02 payments through his UK based partner company “Lamour-UK” 77. On 03 & 04 September 2012, I attended LPC classes but I was not given to continue until October 2012, and the foundation of this short course was ended by then. I was issued CAS by Westminster on 27 September 2012. In his email on 01/10/2012, Mr Miles Macleod confirmed me that he had fully enrolled me onto the LPC course. A number of questions as well as suspicions were arisen by such confirmation. I could not protest then violently against such transparent violations of the LPC regulations as I was clearly a legitimate student to continue classes from 03 September 2012. I complained to Westminster IT (Reference.1090742 at 02:05 p.m.) on 12/10/2012 and many other days against the rude behaviours with me over phone by the staff members. But no action was taken either my LPC authority or IT itself. In my mobile, I recorded some rude conversations by the staff members with me in different times, and most of them likely hated me during those conversations by them. In a verbal complaint by me against two Bengali IT members, Mr Miles confirmed me that they were from Northumbria University, not from Westminster University. But I still think how it would be feasible I called on Westminster IT only. This is why; I do strongly believe that Mr Rafael Behr from London (Political Editor, New Statesman) on 20/12/2012 tweeted correctly by questioning, “Why does Westminster have such rubbish phone reception?” 78. On 19/09/2012, I emailed and posted LLB transcript and certificate to Immigration Enquiry Bureau via special delivery service (ZW977142035GB) and Ms Sarah McIntyre(ZW977141874GB) (Customer Service Advisor, UKBA, POB: 3468, S3 8WA). In my letter, I wrote her, “I have been getting mysterious trouble soon after my May 2012 exam results were revealed. I do believe that they have put bogus complaint against me at somewhere. But I do not still know what type of complaint it is or who the complainant is and when I was involved with one. This is my assumption with the sample of troubles that I have still been facing. I also do not really know when it was started and when it will be ended.” 79. In her reply in email on 19/09/2012 at 08:34, Ms Sarah quoted, “The information you have provided does not appear to have come from a valid Home Office source. As such, the information has been forwarded to the appropriate Home Office department for investigation. We are grateful for the information you have provided. However, we will not be able to advise you of the progress or results of any investigation relating to this information”. At the bottom of her email, she further added, “I am sorry I cannot be more helpful in this matter”. This is Ms Sarah who replied me all of my emails during my problem with East Bank and she explained now something different with a full of frightening which leads a good number questions to all conscious people at this dynamic and modern world. I foresee responsible staff members to be changed suddenly. It occurred similarly in the Picture House at Stratford in September 2012 by the duty manager who allowed me to enter with a special offer ticket. But a man or the guard from the gate went to me in the cinema hall shortly to get me out for the right ticket. I, then, came out at down stair with him and asked the manager (white girl) who straightforward refused her consent. I got shocked by her direct change within 5 to 10 minutes and came out without watching the movie. I, then, never re-entered there. So, Ms Sarah’s reply may be one of these as she might have thinking her own protection from any sort of vulnerabilities due to her numerous emails to a world trembler. I did not hate her at all as she might be in a situation like me where there are always presence of two groups of people with two different mentalities at everywhere in terms of a massive case. 80. On 25 September 2012, Ms Joanne Clough issued letters for me to the honourable society of Lincoln’s Inn and Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), and she also posted them on behalf of the School. Mr Miles from Westminster also contacted me to see a student adviser for my visa application to UKBA. Following this, he enrolled me on 01 October 2012. 81. There will be added copies of my formal complaints on 09 December 2013 to the University of Westminster and copies of my covering letter for my refused FLR (O) application made on 06/11/2013 to take into account with an extra consideration. 82. All missing information in regard to this FLR (O) application will be added you in the next available post. Thank you, Sincerely yours, ( Md Rezaul Huda) 11A Glengall Grove London E14 3NE Tel: 02075156237 Mobile: 07550788038 Email: rezaulhuda@hotmail
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 16:49:21 +0000

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