NOTE: This is not me picking a side, I am just explaining the - TopicsExpress


NOTE: This is not me picking a side, I am just explaining the outcome of this crisis. (also this DB article is phrased a bit strangely at times, but you get the general point. Also the title may seem a bit harsh and one sided, but the article doesnt really follow through that way.) I believe this is the only thing that will come out of this. This Protective Edge will only succeed in breeding a new generation of extremists. Just like Hamas rockets will also breed hate on the part of Israeli extremists (just on a smaller scale)***. Even if this offensive eventually wipes out Hamas, (at this rate, we should expect 40,000+ civilian casualties for that goal to be met), an even bigger group of extremists raised in a slum surrounded by the bodies of their friends and family will rise up. Irregardless of where I stand on the entire Palestinian-Israeli conflict, this outcome is tragically unavoidable. Even if Hamas deserves most of the blame for the current conflict, at the end of the day, these children will be looking up at the sky and they will see Israeli rockets raining down on them, and they will be staring down the barrels of the guns of IDF soldiers. And you can stomp your feet and point fingers all you want, but ultimately, the rockets are post-marked: Israel. Please note that Im not saying that Israel shouldnt be allowed to defend itself. But even if you believe that Hamas is more responsible for, and instigated this, no one in their right mind must think that this is a good way of executing this Hamas takedown. It is not successful in the short term (1300+ casualties, mostly civilians, and 6000+ injuries, and 40+ IDF casualties) and will not be successful in the long term when another generation of freedom fighters will take up arms against Israel. Now Im not suggesting a solution to the conflict, but a good place to start would be with an Israeli withdrawal from Gaza and an end to the Israeli rockets before all the civilians, now without power, will turn to extremism as their solution. You dont have to be anti-israel, pro-palestine or anti-zionist to understand this. The only thing this will accomplish is an urging of a peaceful majority to join a violent/extremist minority. And it should end before its too late. *** Yes, this works both ways, extremist Israelis are also born from the fear of Hamas rockets, but in that case, they have the IDF that they can join in order to defend themselves and fight back. Gazans just have Hamas. thedailybeast/articles/2014/07/30/what-do-you-want-to-be-when-you-grow-up-in-gaza.html
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 03:12:45 +0000

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