NOTES FROM COMMUNITY POLICE LIAISON COMMITTEE MEETING - Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Steven Tanner of the PCAs Safety Committee has been attending the once-monthly CPLC meetings for 55 Division, to represent our communitys views at these meetings and to bring back information from the police to us in the community. Below, Stevens notes from the Nov. 12 CPLC meeting: - Community focus group meeting took place regarding Toronto Police Services (TPS) Body-Worn Camera Pilot Project; scheduled for early 2015; 1 year program. - Survey available if you have an opinion on this pilot project to share: surveymonkey/s/tps-bwc - Break and enters in the daytime are on the increase; including one on Wednesday in Broadview/Gerrard area; owner claimed a significant amount of jewellery, etc., was stolen. - Crime tends to increase around holiday season; prevention tips available at 55 Division Facebook group; TPS also working to inform seniors. - Road traffic campaigns are yielding good results, but there has been some aggression towards officers when ticketing, especially around schools (parents dropping off kids, etc.). - TPS continuing their specific presence around Danforth East, TTC stops and schools. - Police fall maintenance programs (which includes road traffic safety) are in effect, hoping to generate good results. - 55 Division will be conducting a toy drive, flyer will be communicated; drop off bin will be at 55 Division reception at Coxwell/Dundas. - No gun crimes/homicides this past month. - Remembrance Day events were well attended by officers - As a result of terrorist events in Ottawa, TPS are receiving daily briefings; they ask the public to ALWAYS report suspicious activity / suspicious packages, whether they be around even care homes or supermarkets Thanks and TTYS, Steven
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 14:38:05 +0000

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