NOTES THAT WEST NEW GUINEA OF MELANESIA IS STILL KEPT, KEPT AND KEPT FIGHTING FOR JUSTICE AND FREEDOM ... AND NEVER, NEVER AND NEVER BE SILENCE DAY BY DAY OPPRESSION ACT IN WEST NEW GUINEA OF MELANESIA.WEST NEW GUINEA OF MELANESIA IS SEEKING TRIANGLE INTERNATIONAL IONAL ROUNDTABLE HUMANITARIAN PEACE NEGOTIATION BY PEACEFULMEANS. Notes that firstly,The people of West New Guinea of Melanesia is Calling and Seeking the Triangle Roundtable Humanitarian Peace Negotiation through the Third Neutral Party Mediation of International Peace Negotiation between the Two Nations the controversial-coercive lie regime of NKRI-Indonesia and the People of West New Guinea OPM base in - external Communities base leaders in cluding United Nations Temporary Executive Administration-U.N.T.E.A., the Government of Dutch Kingdom, and the Government of United States of America which mediated by the U.N. TASK FORCE in time of NEED by now to ending New Guinean Island of West Papuan People Suffering over 53 years by now, it should take places in Port Numbay-West New Guinea of Melanesia , or in Port Moresby-PAPUA NEW GUINEA -PNG-or in New Zealand , or in U.S.A.-New York or other secure places and never and never in Jakarta -NKRI Deception not secure place there . Secondly, through the long terms cases is being created of the 1960s of U.S.New York agreement...???? of from U.S.-WHITE HOUSE-WASHINGTON including unclear good will motivation of unwisely through undemocratic or unclear principles 1969 Act of Free No Choice ...???? and the adoption of contoversial U.N.resolution number 2504...???? which fuelled with the long terms well planning development program of destruction death nation over the New Guinea Island of both West New Guinea of Melanesia and Papua New Guinea PNG. such as an easy going patterns of Genocide-extra-judicial killing,HIV-AIDS, No-freedom,no-peace,no-justice,no-mercy,no-forgivesnes,stupidity planning program from westernize capitalism superioroty barbaric imprealism approached over New Guinea Island 1950s to 2013 .... The Thirdly, Notice that the NEW GUINEA ISLAND CASE OF WEST PAPUA IS NORMALLY CONTINUE TO THE END OF TOMORROW FREEDOM MOMENT BY MOMENT ...WHICH SHOULD BE FREE FROM ...controversial-coercive lie regimes state NKRI which is Good Neighbour-Bad Neighbour through the milestones 1945 Sukarno and Hatta declare independence on August without or Excluded the Territory of West New Guinea, then in 1965 the National Extremists Army crushes left-wing coup attemp Sukarnos position compromised, then continued to 1969 West New Guinea had being coerced- or forced into or become the controversial-coercive lie regime of NKRIs 26th province after adoption the controversial U.N. resolution No.2504 AS THE LONG TERMS THE DEATH SEED OF DESTRUCTION OF NATION OF WEST NEW GUINEA of 1025 CONTROVERSIAL-VOTES BY 84 U.N. - with full-manipulation controversial memberships through U.N. controversial supervised 1969 ACT OF FREE NO CHOICE by the most nations were depressing and anxious of dirty political and unclear of world economical commercial interests reasons to retain the controversial-coercive lie regime state of NKRI-Indonesias uncleargoodwill which have turned the cynically blind eye to that ilegality matters through the cheapest slogan ideas propaganda of a long terms silence-arms political conflicts over the TERRITORY OF WEST NEW GUINEA (NEW GUINEA ISLAND). It was supported by the scandals of controversial-coercive lie regimes state NKRI-Indonesias illegal connivance world wide organized crimes annexation of WEST NEW GUINEA, and the scandal of world wide organized crimes connivances collusion with the controversial-coercive lie regimes NKRI-Indonesia. In 1975 the controversial-coercive lie regimes NKRI-Indonesia national extremist forces invade the Portuguese colony of East Timor-or Timor Leste, which was formally annexed the following year, becoming the 27th province by THE SUPERIORITY JAVANESE CULTURE OF ISLAMIZATION OVER OTHERS OF NON-NKRI-Indonesia, with No-Mercy, No Forgiven, No-Democracy, No-Justice, No-Freedom, No-Peace, GENOCIDE-EXTRA-JUDICIAL KILLING THE PEOPLES OF WEST NEW GUINEA OF MELANESIA AND THE PEOPLES OF TIMOR LESTE (before freedom 1999) ...Thanks ..Pro Dei et Patria ...The Voice of West New Guinea ...OPM-INTERNATIONAL FORUM FOR WEST PAPUA PEACE. AGAIN, THE MOST, MOST, AND MOST IMPORTANT NOTES THAT THE CONTROVERSIAL ILLEGAL CRIMINAL REGIME OF NKRI-INDONESIA FIRST PRESIDENT, SUKARNO HAD ANNOUNCED AND SAID THROUGH IN HIS INTENTION TO AGAINST U.N. AND INVADE THE DUTCH NEW GUINEA OF MELANESIA ON 1 DECEMBER 1961. THE NATIONAL ISLAMIC-WAHHABISM EXTREMIST LEADER MAJOR-GENERAL SUHARTO LED THE OPERATION, WHICH BECOME A POST COLD WORLD - ITS NOTHING NEW MATTERS AMONG US PAPUANS...DAY BY DAY ... AS IT WAS BEING HAPPENED THROUGH THE CHEAPEST SLOGAN CYNICALLY-SENTIMENT BLIND EYES OF IDEAS PROPAGANDA OVER OTHERS GLOBALLY PARTICULARLY OVER THE BASIC RIGHTS OF NEW GUINEA ISLAND OF WEST PAPUA OF MELANESIA AND PAPUA NEW GUINEA -PNG AND OTHERS AS WELL ...IT IS THE EXTREMISM SUPRESSIVE POLICY OF INNER CIRCLE EXTREMISTS OF ISLAMIC-WAHHABISM ILLEGAL CRIMINAL REGIME OF NKRI OVER 53 YEARS ( 1950S TO 2014 TODAY) WHO AGAINST -ANTI THE UNIVERSAL BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS OF WEST NEW GUINEA OF MELANESIA IN WEST NEW GUINEA OF MELANESIA ... AND OTHERS AS WELL OF THE LONG TERMS SILENCE ARMS CONFLICTS AFTER ILLEGAL STATE OF NKRI HAD SIGNED ONLY THE $ 400 MILLION ARMS DEAL WITH THE SOVIET UNION .THIS PROMPTED U.S.A.-AMERICAN INTERVENTION UNDER JOHN.F.KENNEDY ADMINISTRATION VIA -1960S WASHINGTON-WHITE HOUSE FOREIGN POLICY, AND THE NEW YORK AGREEMENT OF 1962. AGAINST U.N. RESOLUTION 1752 THAT FULL OF DECEPTION AS A PART OF CORE DESTRUCTION DEATH NATION OF NEW GUINEA OF MELANESIAN PEOPLE AND TERRITORIES. TODAY, ITS TO REMIND US ALL FOR OUR MSG-MELANESIAN FAMILIES NATIONS OF SOUTH PACIFIC ISLANDS REGIONS AND ALL OTHERS THAT REAFFIRMED THE IMPORTANCE OF CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS, PARTICULARLY THE ARTICLE 73(E) CONCERNING NON-SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, AS WELL AS GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION NUMBER 1514(XV) OF 14 DECEMBER 1960 WHICH CONTAINING THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES; AND RESOLUTION1541 (XV) OF 15 DECEMBER 1960 CONTAINING THE PRINCIPLES WHICH SHOULD GUIDE MEMBERS OF THE UNITED NATIONS IN DETERMINING WHETHER OR NOT THE NON-SELF-GOVENING TERRITORY CAN BE SAID TO HAVE REACHED A FULL MEASURE OF SELF-GOVERNMENT....AND....ON....AND ...ON ... ON ...THROUGH THE POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT, ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT, ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT .... DAN BUKAN KONTROVESIAL ILLEGAL KRIMINAL REGIME OF NKRI TODAY 53 YEARS BY NOW ....??? SETERUSNYA....FRANCISCUS OEWENG KANDAM ...PERSOALAN KEADILAN TETAP JALAN TERUSSSSS HINGGA SELESAI ... PEACE.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 12:22:37 +0000

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