NOTHING FOR THE UNEMPLOYED THE GOVERNMENT CARRIES OUT THE DEMANDS OF THE GREAT TOO BIG TO FAIL CAPITALISTS "THE HISTORY OF GREAT AMERICAN FORTUNES" GUSTAVUS MYERS "To realize, however, the full import of the action of the Government in this particular bond sale, by which a present of fully $18,000,000 was made to a few bankers already surfeited with wealth, it is necessary to recall the conditions among the mass of people, especially after the panic of 1893. In normal times, according to the estimate of Carroll D. Wright, for some years United States Labor Commissioner, the number of unemployed at any one time was about 1,000,000 men, women and children. After the panic of 1893 the number reached perhaps 3,000.000. Not a finger was lifted by the Government in the aid of any of these, nor was the remotest consideration given to means for alleviating this misery or to the causes producing it. Repressive measures were used to suppress street meetings of protest, and leaders of labor unions were flung into prison on the alleged charge of contempt of the Federal courts. Only the year before, in 1894, the regular army had been ordered out by Cleveland against the railroad workingmen on strike. Nowhere and in no respect did Government do other than carry out the demands made by the great capitalists who dominated all of its functions."
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 12:26:08 +0000

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