NOTICE OF CITIZENS ARREST............................................................... WE, THE PEOPLE, HAVE NO RIGHT TO FOOD AND WATER: FOOD, WATER AND SHELTER IS LIFE. This UK government notice to the European community, who were and are offering to give free food and food stuffs to every hungry person in this country, every working family that is visiting the food banks, and all at no cost what so ever. The UK government refused that food. If any citizens in the United Kingdom knowingly and actively causes suffering through maltreatment and/or malnourished this person is committing an indictable offence. If you believe any person to have caused or are about to cause an indictable offence, it is your common law right to arrest the individuals involved. As our politicians will not respect our human rights, our civil rights and our right to life AS HUMANS and with the understanding that human beings are categorized as animals/mammals/humans, I here by charge and serve notice of arrest under common law to all politicians in the British parliament that I, James of the family Anderson, do charge every politician in the United Kingdom government, the department of works and pension employees and lords and ladies within the House of Lords with the following common law indictable offences. 1. “Cruelty to animals” in that denial of offered free food to hungry British citizens, has caused and is still causing unnecessary human suffering and is cruel in the unnecessary risk to life and the offenders being aware of the cruelty and suffering. 2. “Crimes against the persons” in that, government directives to the DWP and the actions of DWP staff have resulted in the suicides of 11000 human beings to date. 3. “Mental and physical abuse” in that the DWP staffs have actively caused mental distress and physical pain to the individuals “interviewed and adjudicated”. 4. “abuse of powers and trust” in that the government and all politicians have consistently fabricated issues such as expenses, financial interests, family business interests and the history of untruths and financial deviances continues unabated. 5. “Crimes against humanity” in the forced collective austerity on the population for the criminal activities of the banking professionals. Upon this notice, arrests will be made under the common law rights of citizen’s arrest with all the authority therein granted to me and my associates by common law. Any impediment or hindrance of service to these arrests will be deemed offensive and contrary to offences against the persons and obstruction of common law arrests and will be dealt with as such under common law. I hereby on the 3rd of April 2014 give notice of arrests upon sight to all afore mentioned individuals as decreed in common law. James of the house of Anderson. Jsa.03/04/2014
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 20:31:47 +0000

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