NOTICE OF FEE SCHEDULE, DEMAND FOR PROPERTY AND RESCISSION OF SIGNATURES. I, Dean of the family Kory, GRANTOR / SOLE BENEFICIARY / HOLDER IN DUE COURSE and SOLE AUTHORIZED ADMINISTRATOR for THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE NAME DEAN RUSSELL KORY #A8123276, c/o Non-Domestic, Foreign Mail 12 Bertie Street Lindsay Ontario Canada K9V 1J1 With my interpretations, Definitions, intent and understanding... ALL VENDORS / BANKS / HOSPITALS, COURTS & ALL GOVERNMENT ENTITIES, REAL, QUASI AND OTHERWISE, ALL TRADED AS PRIVATE & PUBLIC CORPORATIONS, PUBLIC OFFICIALS, CIVIL SERVANTS / AGENTS / OFFICERS, ALL ENTITIES IN THE PAST, CURRENT AND FUTURE. NOTICE TO AGENT IS NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL - NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL IS NOTICE TO AGENT - SURETY NOT ACCEPTED - DO NOT WISH TO CONTRACT - DO NOT CONSENT - DO NOT ATTORN - NON ASSUMPSIT - WITHOUT PREJUDICE - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. MAXIMS-of-law: Qui facit per alium fadt per se: A person who acts through another acts himself .• The acts of an agent are considered the acts of the principal. Respondents:................................................................... RE: MY TERMS AND CONDITIONS... RESCISSION OF SIGNATURES / NOTICE OF FEE SCHEDULE / DEMAND FOR PROPERTY / WAIVER OF BENEFITS / PRIVILEGES / DISSOLUTION OF ALL ADHESION / UNILATERAL CONTRACTS / REVOCATION OF POWER (S) OF ATTORNEY IMPLIED AND / OR EXPRESSED, REVOCATION OF ALL TRUSTS / CONTRACTS, ORDERS, FIDUCIARY / USUFRUCT POWERS IMPLIED AND / OR EXPRESSED INCLUDING ALL INITIALS, MARKS, DNA / BLOOD, FOOT / FINGERPRINTS, PHOTOS, ETC ON ALL CONTRACTS FOR CAUSE. I am required to inform you that forced compliance to orders made / given by yourself, and / or your agents, is in fact, acceptance of my terms and conditions! AFFIRMED DECLARATION UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY - MY TERMS AND CONDITIONS: ACTUAL AND CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE / DEMAND FOR PROPERTY, DEMAND - SELF-EXECUTING RESCISSION OF ALL SIGNATURES, NOTICE OF ACTIVATED FEE SCHEDULE, WAIVER OF BENEFITS & PRIVILEGES, DISSOLUTION OF ADHESION / UNILATERAL, ALL CONTRACTS / ORDERS, REVOCATION OF POWER (S) OF ATTORNEY, REVOCATION OF ALL TRUSTS / CONTRACTS AND REVOCATION OF FIDUCIARY / USUFRUCT POWERS. PROPER NOTICE TO ALL VENDORS / BANKS, PUBLIC & PRIVATE CORPORATIONS, HOSPITALS, COURTS & GOVERNMENT AGENCIES / AGENTS / OFFICERS, MY TERMS AND CONDITIONS: I, Dean of the family Kory, SOLE AUTHORIZED ADMINISTRATOR / THE GRANTOR / CREATOR of all Trusts / Contracts, a living man, with pre-existing unalienable rights and of inherent jurisdiction on the land until proven otherwise, do hereby rescind for cause of a breach of trust, extortion, treason, failure to disclose risks, perils, responsibilities, lack of valuable consideration, as well as non-disclosure of material facts including, but not limited to the fact that the Borrower / Trustee in Error, THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE NAME DEAN RUSSELL KORY #A8123276 by and through the undersigneds signature, created the energy for the credit used to fund all loans, taxes, services, payments CITY / PROVINCE / COUNTRY / CORPORATIONS FOREIGN PRINCIPALS and subsequent fraudulent pilferage / obtainage, all signatures executed in my natural and representative capacities without exception on any and all offers, trusts, documents, instruments, processes, orders, contracts and agreements ect. between March 13 1968, through the date of this Actual and Constructive Notice through to the date of my natural death, issued to me or legal fiction, THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE NAME DEAN RUSSELL KORY #A8123276, in all matters with the exception of any / all signatures executed for the purpose of Accepting for Value any such offers, documents, instruments, process actions and / or proceedings. All such contracts, offers, documents, instruments, process, actions and or proceedings are hereby ACCEPTED FOR VALUE and / or RETURNED FOR FULL CREDIT, by notice all such acceptance signatures whether expressed or implied remain in full force and effect. All unconscionable contracts / trusts are subject to rescission under the common law for failure to make the proper disclosures in order to constitute an acceptance, where there is no meeting of the minds there is no contract as REQUIRED by LAW. I further waive and reject any and all benefits and / or privileges expressed, implied or otherwise arising from any such signatures, all resulting contracts, agreements or trusts resulting from a breach of trust, extortion, treason, force, under threat of arrest and / or detention, of being denied access to Ones own credit / property / information among others, involuntary servitude and peonage by adhesion contract or fraud committed against myself. Further, these adhesion contracts and any and all powers of attorney, contracts and all trusts whether expressed, implied or otherwise are hereby REVOKED, terminated, canceled nunc pro tunc from March 2013 to 100 years from todays date. Any and all such contracts and / or performance demands / orders made / forced towards, upon or against me is with the FEE of $50,000.00 payable FORTHWITH and all subsequent performance by me is with the hourly FEE of $1,000.00 / minimum THREE hours to be paid FORTHWITH. PAYMENTS OWED TO ME FOR PREVIOUS PERFORMANCES AND ORDERS ARE CURRENTLY OUTSTANDING AND WILL BE ADDRESSED IN A COMPETENT COURT OF PROPER JURISDICTION AND/OR I WILL CONSIDER A REASONABLE AND FAIR OFFER TENDERED WITH RESPECT FORTHWITH FOR SETTLEMENT AND CLOSURE.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 14:16:32 +0000

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