NOTICE and RANT: I just uninstalled Facebook from my - TopicsExpress


NOTICE and RANT: I just uninstalled Facebook from my phone... Not just messenger but all of Facebook. So if I comment on your post its because I am actually sitting at the comp and looking at Facebook. If I dont comment dont take it personal; I actually see a very small percentage of what gets posted on my feed everyday. Translation: this is not, can not and will not ever be a primary form of communication for me. It is simply a way for me to share images, snapshots and information about life with friends and family. It is a way for me to share my music side with people. It is a way for me to find long lost friends and for them to find me. it is a way to connect with the world. But that connection does not need to be forever glued to my hand, stuck in my face, and on my mind. I choose to disconnect. For business i work best with email, because I handle it immediately. if its urgent then call me, i always pick up or call back asap. Text is good too but my phone wont ring, chirp or speak unless its a phone call so I might not get right back to you ... dont take it personal unless were in a texting convo in which case you should take it personal if I dont respond. I want my interaction on this and all other social media platforms to help bring about the continued rise of Human civilization. We were great once, then there was a dark period and now were on the beginning of an upswing again. lets engage each other in positive ways. Like things that are positive and uplifting, and ignore those things that are ratchet and base. Invest in green energy Rachel Dawn Davis, Gus Gauntlett, Avi B Nagel and share the knowledge when you have it. Like great music The Grand Affair, Hired Gun, AtLas and support independent artists whenever possible. Like moving art Gianna Leo Falcon, Demo Graphoniks, Orlando Suazo Jr. and just ignore all the dumb shit. In fact, there are so many WORLD CLASS artists, musicians and social change makers in my circle its actually astounding to the me of 10 years ago. Huh? If you got that, you get me. If you dont get that then you only know me on Facebook, and thats cool too. To continue, If its actual knowledge about police laws and how we can defend ourselves against illegal searches and seizures then share it. But if its a video of police brutality or violence without also including the officers names and all the necessary information to write letters to their specific congress persons, protest in front of their police stations and demand that those specific officers be held accountable...lets not share it and NOT like it. just ignore it. Sharing images of violence and debauchery i.e. fighting, bullying, teasing, nasty, stupid, raunchy or otherwise idiotic acts is a waste of our time as a species when we could be sharing stories of courage, faith, resilience, beauty, and generally positive vibrations over negative ones. But i digress The internet is still free We can use social media to make the world our oyster and have enough for everyone if we re-imagine our roles. Each and every choice that each and everyone of us makes matters. Dont ever let yourself be duped into believing otherwise. Signing out (so I can actually sign in) Megaciph
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 05:18:09 +0000

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