NOTICIAS DE TIMOR Local Daily News July 09,2013 *Chinese Sandom - TopicsExpress


NOTICIAS DE TIMOR Local Daily News July 09,2013 *Chinese Sandom International Company and MAFP distribute aid to Covalima *MSS distributes aid to Alas and Hatu’udu *Asia Pacific Meeting focuses on illegal fishing issues, says ASEAN Affairs State Secretary *MJ and JICA discuss on general proposal law for mediation *Fretilin encourages PM Xanana to defend people’s rights *Govt should make radical reshuffles: Fretilin’s Lu-Olo *PNTL command will sack out its members who involve in martial arts *Fretilin ready to join Xanana’s Government *TLPC praises President TMR offers house to National Media *PM Xanana questioned over mystery folder *Timorese fight on UK streets *MP Inacio questions PM Xanana’s provident report *Unknown groups attack shop, leaving a foreigner dead and wounding two others *Lu Olo: Reshuffle is the only way to resolve problems, but it is Xanana’s Competence *PN coordinates with MOP to implement pre-qualification law *Chinese Sandom International Company and MAFP distribute aid to Covalima *Televizaun Timor-Leste, July 9, 2013 language source: Tetun Chinese Sandom International Company and the Ministry of Agriculture (MAFP) have officially distributed humanitarian aid to the recent natural disaster victims in Suai, the southern district of Covalima. The humanitarian aid which was offered to the victims is rice, noodles and milks to respond to the food shortcomings which the victims are facing. Speaking to journalists, Minister for MAFP, Mariano “Asanami” Sabino said this was action of sympathy and solidarity from the referred Chinese Company to the victims in the district of Covalima. ”They want truly to show their solidarity and as we know that the natural disaster did not only happen in Suai, Baucau and Viqueque, but it also happened everywhere in the country,” Asanami said. General Manager for the company, Sum Man said this was a solidarity action to the people who were affected by the natural disaster recently. ”Our company had today brought numbers of rice of bags, cooking oil, biscuits and noodles to be distributed to the victims,” he said. *MSS distributes aid to Alas and Hatu’udu *Televizaun Timor-Leste, July 9, 2013 language source: Tetun The Ministry of Social Solidarity (MSS) has distributed humanitarian aid to the people who were affected by natural disaster in Alas, the district of Manufahi and Hatu’udu, the southern district of Ainaro. The aid was directly handed over by Deputy Minister for MSS, Jacinto Rigoberto last weekend. ”Numbers of the victims are increasing like Alas is more than 1000 and Ainaro is more than 100 people. They mostly lose their rice and corn fields as they were washed away by flood,” he said. The beneficiaries of the aid expressed thanks to the Government for providing them with basic needs goods. *Asia Pacific Meeting focuses on illegal fishing issues, says ASEAN Affairs State Secretary *Televizaun Timor-Leste, July 9, 2013 language source: Tetun State Secretary for ASEAN Affairs, Roberto Soares said the Asia Pacific Meeting which was held in Brunei Darusalam focused on how to combat illegal fishing in the region. Mr. Soares affirmed that, during the meeting all member states were discussing on cooperation in the field of maritime, especially on how to prevent illegal fishing and promote ecotourism and food security of each country. ”The meeting of South East Pacific was focused on maritime and ecotourism issues toward the development of South East Pacific,” he said. *MJ and JICA discuss on general proposal law for mediation *Suara Timor Loro Sa’e, July 9, 2013 language source: Tetun Minister for Justice, Dionsio Babo on June 24 held a meeting with JICA Representative, Kenta Komatsu, discussing on creation of general proposal law for mediation. Speaking to journalists, Minister Babo said the Ministry of Justice had been cooperating with JICA’s teamwork to help produce general law for mediations. Babo affirmed that, the ministry was also preparing traditional laws, but it also needed law for medication to help resolve civil cases rather than take it to the court. He added that, JICA would send experts to Timor-Leste in order to help facilitate the Ministry of Justice’s team draft law for mediation. *Fretilin encourages PM Xanana to defend people’s rights *Diario Nacional, July 9, 2013 language source: Tetun President of the Fetilin Party, Francisco “Lu-Olo Guterres encouraged Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao to firmly defend the Timorese people’s rights regarding the Certain Martime Agreement on the Timor Sea (CMATS) issue. According to Lu-Olo, internationally Timor-Leste and Australia have the same rights; therefore PM Xanana should be firmly defending the people’s rights. ”If we had strong reason we should defend it, not to be weak as the International Law does not state that, other countries can force one country to follow its desire,” Lu-Olo said. To avoid conflict, Lu-Olo said it was better for Timor-Leste and Australia to continue doing negotiations on the issue. *Govt should make radical reshuffles: Fretilin’s Lu-Olo *Diario Nacional, July 9, 2013 language source: Tetun President of the Fretilin Party, Francisco “Guterres” Lu-Olo said the 5th Constitutional Government led by Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao should make a self-improvement by radically reshuffling its structure [cabinets]. Lu-Olo affirmed that, if PM Xanana did not make any change to his cabinet, so then people would not enjoy benefits of the country’s development which had been allocated with large amount of the state budget. He also said in making reforms, the Government also needed to make change to the current political system and organic laws of the Government, so that people could exercise their responsibility. Lu-Olo added that, he personally was not doubtful with PM Xanana’s statement, but he questioned which model of reshuffles needed to be made. *PNTL command will sack out its members who involve in martial arts *Radio Timor-Leste July 9, 2013 language source: Tetun Deputy Commander for the Timorese National Police (PNTL), Commissioner of Police Afonso de Jesus said PNTL commands would sack out its members who get involved in martial arts groups activities in the country. De Jesus said PNTL Commands would sack out the members who involved martial arts as it would damage the image of the police force and also called on all District commanders to better control its members. ”If the PNTL members were taking part in martial arts groups activities should be reported to the general commander for taking a necessary action against them,” he said. *Fretilin ready to join Xanana’s Government *Independente July 9, 2013 language source: Tetun President of the Fretilin party Francisco “Luolo” Guterres said Fretilin was ready to join Xanana’s Government but it should be going through an agreement. Luolo said Fretilin leaders wanted to be together with Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao to develop this country, if Mr. Xanana invited the party in relation to rumors on reshuffle of cabinet. ”To reshuffle cabinet should be clear and we should see all aspects before inviting Fretilin to involve. Fretilin supports it and is ready to give opinion before reshuffling the cabinet. But to invite Fretilin to join the Government we should have an agreement,” Luolo said. He agreed with the Prime Minister’s declaration last week to reshuffle his cabinet to seek for solution to the problems during his leadership of the Government. *TLPC praises President TMR offers house to National Media *Independente July 9, 2013 language source: Tetun President of the Republic through Chief of the Office of the President, Fidelis Magelhaes officially launched a house for national media at the Palace of the President in Dili yesterday (8/07).Magelaes said that, they prepared this house for journalists to collect stories and find information from this house. ”This house to better facilitate the journalists’ works and this house is also used to capacitate the journalists in the future,” Magelaes said. *PM Xanana questioned over mystery folder *Independente July 9, 2013 It was not the large size of the folder, or even the rope that tied it together caught the eye of those in attendance at the Commission for Anti-Corruption (KAK) in Dili last week, but it was the very fact that it was being held by a Prime Minister as he strode, alone, into the office that caught everyone’s eye. Speaking to INDEPENDENTE yesterday President of the Fretilin Francisco “Luolo” Guterres said the presence of prime minister at the KAK office last week had been completely unannounced and he questioned his behavior. Lu-olo said he did not understand why the prime minister went to the office himself as usual practice called for staff from the commission for Anti-Corruption to visit the prime minister’s office to retrieve document. *Timorese fight on UK streets *Independente July 9, 2013 Eye witness has spoken about a violent street fight in the North Lincolnshire town of Scounthrope, England that led to the arrest of 19 people. It is believed around 30 people were involved a group of men all originally from Timor-Leste in south East Asia clashed in front of shocked eye witnesses in broad daylight on a Sunday afternoon. Thirty people are believed to have been involved. Officers believe the trigger for the disturbance may have been an earlier incident in the Britannia Corner area of the town on Saturday evening. *MP Inacio questions PM Xanana’s provident report *Suara Timor Lorosae, July 9, 2013 Language source: Tetun People’s representatives (MP) at the House of Representatives question provident report that Prime Minister, Xanana Gusmao presented to Anti Corruption Commission (KAK) in regard to KAK investigation which found some Government members involved maladministration. ”I am concerned about Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao who presented a provident report to KAK in regard to Minister for Finance, Emilia Pires who was suspected of giving projects to her spouse to purchase medical beds for the National Hospital of Guido Valadares (HNGV),” MP Inacio Moreira told STL on Monday 8. However, according to MP Maria Adozinha Pires from Frenti Mudansa, Prime Minister Xanana presented a report to KAK is normal because as a chief of the Government, Prime Minister is the one who is responsible for all Government members. *Unknown groups attack shop, leaving a foreigner dead and wounding two others *Suara Timor Lorosae, July 9, 2013 Language source: Tetun Unknown group of people attacked a shop in front of Commite Central de Fretilin building in Comoro last Sunday night (7/7/2013), the incident had left one foreign national killed and two others were seriously wounded. Timorese National Police (PNTL), Deputy Commander, Afonso de Jesus said the police were chasing up this unknown group of people. ”The incident last Sunday night, leaving three foreigners become victim; an Indonesian was killed and two Chinese were seriously wounded and are receiving medical treatment in the National Hospital of Guido Valadares (HNGV),” Afonso said in his Office on Monday 8. *Lu Olo: Reshuffle is the only way to resolve problems, but it is Xanana’s Competence *Suara Timor Lorosae, July 9, 2013 Language source: Tetun FRETILIN Party President, Fransico Guterres Lu-Olo said reshuffle was the only way to resolve problems in the Fifth Government. ”Personally, I support Prime Minister to make reshuffle to the Government members as the only way to find solution to the problems in the Fifth Government,” Lu Olo told journalists at Sede Komite Central Fretilin in Komoro of Dili on Monday 8. Responding to the widespread rumors, saying FRETILIN will participate in the Government, Lu Olo said FRETILIN would participate in the Government or not, there should be discuss with FRETILIN Party or through an agreement with FRETILIN leaders, but FRETILIN maintained its position to sit as an opposition. *PN coordinates with MOP to implement pre-qualification law *Suara Timor Lorosae, July 9, 2013 Language source: Tetun The National Parliament (PN) through Committee E for Infrastructure issue will coordinate with the Ministry of Public Works (MOP) to implement prequalification law to see entrepreneurs’ capacity to hold a project. ”We want to implement this law because entrepreneurs hold projects remain in poor quality, some of them do project arbitrarily and do not be based on the design,” PN Committee E President, Pedro da Costa Martires said in plenary on Monday 8. Minister for MOP, Gastao Sousa said the implementation of pre-qualification law was to respond to entrepreneurs who held projects, but no quality.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 09:24:41 +0000

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