NOTICIAS DE TIMOR Local Daily News July 30, 2013 *President TMR - TopicsExpress


NOTICIAS DE TIMOR Local Daily News July 30, 2013 *President TMR insists BTK Company to complete its housing project *Minister Lobo and US ambassador inaugurate Oe-Cusse Hospital *Prosecutor-general presents his one hundred working day’s report *Baucau court sentences ex-BNU director for four years in prison *PNTL needs to respect human rights: MAHEIN *Timor-Leste provides 1.5 million Euro for Guinea Bissau *President TMR insists BTK Company to complete its housing project *Televizaun Timor-Leste, July 30, 2013 language source: Tetun President of the Republic, Taur Matan Ruak (TMR) has insisted Indonesia’ BTK Company to complete the Government-funded community housing to the poor throughout the country.The president made the call during a meeting with local residents in Natarbora, the district of Manatuto. TMR said the Government should make sure the housing completed before handing over it to the community. He added that, any company which was incapable of completing its projects had to be criminalized as it had spent the people’s money recklessly. Most of the houses through MDG [housing program for the poor] were not competed with proper facilities, such as clean water supply and sanitation. Such a condition has appeared the Parliament members and civil society organizations’ concerns, urging the Government to control well the project. *Minister Lobo and US ambassador inaugurate Oe-Cusse Hospital *Televizaun Timor-Leste, July 30, 2013 language source: Tetun Minister for Health, Sergio Lobo and the US Ambassador to Timor-Leste, Judith Fergin have officially inaugurated the enclave district of Oe-Cusse’s referral hospital which its construction was funded by USAID. The Government of Timor-Leste thanked the US Government for its support of funding the hospital construction. On behalf of the Government State Secretary for Institutional Empowerment, Samuel Mendonca thanked the US Force for constructing the building. “We thank the US Force as they have helped construct many school buildings throughout the country,” he said in his speech marking ceremony for the inauguration. Meanwhile, the US Ambassador Judith Fergin said the US was currently supporting Timor-Leste’s development in various sectors and said hopefully, the support could strengthen the two countries’ bilateral ties. “The US Government is pleased to help the development process in the field of health, education and facility of communities in Timor-Leste,” she said. *Prosecutor-general presents his one hundred working day’s report *Televizaun Timor-Leste, July 30, 2013 language source: Tetun New appointed Prosecutor-General Jose Ximenes yesterday publically presented his one hundred working day’s report to the public. His report about changes and progresses achieved during his one hundred office tenure. The prosecutor-general presented his report during a press conference which was held at the office of Public Prosecution. Speaking to journalists, Ximenes said during his one hundred he faced many challenges in implementing programs which according to him as the top priorities. “In my one hundred working days, I have had problems in the state budget execution. I have held meetings with directors, pushing them to work hard,” he said. President of the Republic appointed Ximenes to become prosecutor-general replacing his predecessor Ana Pessoa after her mandate ended early this year. *Baucau court sentences ex-BNU director for four years in prison *Televizaun Timor-Leste, July 30, 2013 language source: Tetun Baucau District Court has handed down its verdict to sentence the ex-Director for BNU Bank [Baucau Branch office], Agustinho Antonio Gusmao for four years in prison as he was found guilty of stealing money from the Bank. Meanwhile, Bank Officer, Joao da Costa Ximenes who was engaged in the same case sentenced to seven and half years of imprisonment. Lawyer of the defendants was satisfied with the verdict made, but he would try to apply an appeal to the Court of Appeals. The two Catholic Priests who were suspected of being engaged in the case were absolved from the accusation as they were not found guilty. *PNTL needs to respect human rights: MAHEIN *Diario Nacional, July 30, 2013 language source: Tetun MAHEIN Foundation has called on the National Police (PNTL) to respect human rights during its operations against martial arts clubs activities in TimorLeste. Director for MAHEIN, Nelson Belo said the police must not be brutal when doing its operations, but should try to stay away from violating human rights. “We are calling on the ongoing operations not to be brutal which can lead to human right violations. The arrest of the people should not go into the people’s houses and destroy their goods,” Belo said. TVTL [Public TV] has recently reported that, PNTL members did operations by going into the people’s homes, searching for martial arts clubs’ attributes. *Timor-Leste provides 1.5 million Euro for Guinea Bissau *Diario Nacional, July 30, 2013 language source: Tetun The Government of Timor-Leste has provided Guinea Bissau with 1.5 million Euro to help support projects in this long-standing conflict country. The Government of Guinea Bissau expresses thanks to Timor-Leste for its supports to help develop that country’s development. During a speech marking ceremony for signing cooperation agreement, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Constancio Pinto said Timor-Leste did something which had not been more than its brotherhood countries had done for the country in the past. Pinto added that, the presence of Timor-Leste in Guinea Bissaun was a move to show the country’s solidarity.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 14:35:22 +0000

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